Bezuslovna ljubav i učenje. ❤️ Unconditional love and learning. ❤️

Romi. Nomadski narod za koje većina kad pomisli na njih, pomisli na prosjake, otimače, neradnike, lopove.
Ja sam danas radila u školu sa jednom devojčicom Romkinjom, koja dokazuje da medju njima ima itekako vrednih i pametnih.
Devojčica se zove Božana. Predivna i znatiželjna ali vrlo stidljiva.
Krenula je u prvi razred u školu gde ja radim. Mogu vam reći da sam prava srećnica što imam priliku da nekoga ko je Rom, upaznam na ovaj način. Božana je zaista vredna pažnje i truda.
Prošlo je tek nekoliko dana od početka školske godine, a ja sam joj već predložila da nauči slova.
Većina Romskoe populacije je nepismeno i zato je moja misija i volja da je naučim da piše bila još veća!
Pomislila sam kako bi me usrećilo da doprinesem opismenjavanju ovog naroda.

Roma. A nomadic people, when most people think of them, they think of beggars, robbers, idlers, thieves.
Today I went to school with a Roma girl, who proves that there are very hardworking and smart people among them.
The girl's name is Božana. Beautiful and curious but very shy.
She started first grade at the school where I work. I can tell you that I am very lucky to have the opportunity to meet someone who is Roma in this way. Božana is really worthy of attention and effort.
It has only been a few days since the beginning of the school year, and I have already suggested that she learn letters.
The majority of the Roma population is illiterate and that is why my mission and will to teach them to write was even greater!
I thought how happy it would make me to contribute to the literacy of this nation.

Obično se pre učenja slova vežba grafomotorika, ispisuje na stotine kosih i pravih linija pre nego se nauče slova ali Božana i ja smo odmah počele redove u svesci da ispunjavamo celim slovom. Naravno, počele smo od slova “A”!

Usually, before learning letters, graphomotor skills are practiced, hundreds of slanted and straight lines are written before learning the letters, but Božana and I immediately started to fill in the lines in the notebook with the whole letter. Of course, we started with the letter "A"!



Za početak sam joj obeležila tačkama kuda treba da počinju linije. Da bi deca lakše učila, poželjno je da imate dobre i zanimljive metode. Još kao mala, učila sam i preslišavala drugarice lekcija koje smo učile, tako što sam ih animirala slikovito, ne bi li ih asicirala na temu lekcije. Zbog toga je bilo uvek puno smeha.
Tako sam i Božani govorila na kreativan način kako da povlači linije:

To begin with, I marked her with dots where the lines should start. In order for children to learn more easily, it is preferable to have good and interesting methods. Even as a child, I used to learn and copy the lessons we learned to my friends, by animating them graphically, in order not to associate them with the topic of the lesson. That's why there was always a lot of laughter.
That's how I told Božana in a creative way how to draw the lines:

  • Popni se na gornju liniju, pa razvlači žvaku ka Jovani ( drugarica koja je sedela sa njene leve strane), pa opet sa gornje linije ka meni ( sa desne strane).
  • Go up to the top line, then spread the gum towards Jovana (the friend who was sitting on her left side), then again from the top line towards me (on the right side).





Devojčica je izuzetno inteligentna, brzo shvatala, pa je “posao” išao lako!

The girl is extremely intelligent, she understood quickly, so the "work" was easy!

I constantly encouraged her, and the dark hands with clumsily painted nails worked hard like clockwork!

Slovo za slivom se nizalo, a devojčica čak nije htela ni na pauzu.
Zadnji red je uspešno i samostalno napisala!

  • Bravo, Božana!
    Pale smo jedna drugoj u zagrljaj!

Letter after letter followed, and the little girl didn't even want to take a break.
She successfully and independently wrote the last line!

  • Well done, Božana!
    We fell into each other's arms!


Ja sam uslikala ive vredne ruke ali zagrljaj je uslikala moja drugarica. Hvala joj za ovu divnu uspomenu.
Poželela sam da joj poklonim nešto posebno ali nisam imala mogućnosti tog trenutka da smislim poklon pa je dobrodošao i sladak kolač sa pekmezom!

I took a picture of the precious hands, but my friend took a picture of the hug. Thanks to her for this wonderful memory.
I wanted to give her something special, but I didn't have the opportunity to come up with a gift at that moment, so a sweet cake with jam is welcome!


Odličan način da se nadoknadi energija. 😋😆

Ovaj dan je bio pun emotivnih trenutaka koje deca najviše pamte.

A great way to replenish energy. 😋😆

This day was full of emotional moments that the children remember the most.

Mislim da će ovo biti jedno divno prijateljstvo. ❤️❤️

Jedva čekam da napiše svoje ime! ❤️

I think this will be a wonderful friendship. ❤️❤️

I can't wait for him to write his name! ❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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