Qurator's Photo Quest | Golden Hour | Golden pallets in Caracas' sky

in Qurator4 years ago (edited)




I have a motto that I copied from the famous movie "The Sound of Music", which says:

When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

Seeing these images, I took my cell phone and decided to document these moments, for my future memories. After taking the pictures, I sat on the sidewalk outside my house to admire this beautiful sunset, thinking about my family, my beloved parents who are no longer with me in this life, my brothers and sisters who have been separated by circumstances and my little son who is all I have.

Little by little my body relaxed in the face of this shower of beautiful memories. Without realizing it, a smile was drawn on my face, because I know that even if it is in my thoughts, I can give myself permission to smile, to give myself a rest in the face of so many sleepless nights due to worry, to work, to the health problems of my beloved sister, to the leaks that fall on the roof of my house, to the silent crying that gushes out of its walls and therefore I shut myself in.

Here I am in the midst of that promise that is anchored in my memories; that promise that I made to my mother shortly before she took flight into the rainbow, that I would be happy even if she were not with me.

And I have tried. I've had moments of joy that come very close to happiness. But despite always seeing "the glass half full", when the memories rain down on my soul, I know that I am moving away from the goal.

But it's all about attitude.

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