Are COLLECTIONS more valuable than the POSTS themselves?? (+ The importance of views)

in Hive Improvement3 years ago (edited)

I know this is a long post but it's good one for those who like to think deeply about Hive and content creation or are interested in the reasons behind what PeakD does. So sit back and relax and then let's converse in the comments as I explore whether the information or the transfer of information is more important.

BACKSTORY ... Contest

@PeakD is doing a contest rewarding collections and giving away some money
But the truth is everyone should be making collections anyway because they're amazing.

So I thought I'd share some of my thoughts about CCC/Collections


I'm gonna make argument supporting the side that Collections may be more valuable than Posts themselves. I actually think there is a very viable argument to be made for posts being more important and I'm not 100% set on the argument I'm making on this post but someone needs to make it. So this is somewhat why Collections are so valuable to hive and even why should be perhaps the most rewarded of all posts on Hive... because they possibly provide the most value.



  • Is it important to Hive that we are creating content that appears useful or is actually useful?

  • Is it better to have a post that one hive whale simply votes on or hundreds of random people really want to read?

  • Is it important that Hive has content that millions of people truly want to consume?

I guess some of these are rhetorical questions ...

I'm indeed stating that I think creating content is more than just a proof of written effort. It's more than giving inflation to people who have put in time to fool the system into giving them money. In Bitcoin there are rules and a gamified mechansism that determines who gets the inflation for that day 900 bitcoin daily. Are we stating that we are like bitcoin but instead of spending time and money setting up an electical mining system to get in on it we are simply stating that we have to put words on a page to be considered for Hive inflation?

OR... do we want these posts to actually be consumed and for this to be a place Content Creators can have the ADDITIONAL BENEFITS that come from someone reading their content?


What is the issue? A too high proportion of Content creators that don't care if their content is read OR don't know how to make that happen.

Quantitively speaking there are way more content creators yelling into the void on Facebook/Twitter/YouTube it's a shear numbers game they have more content creators in general on those platforms. But what they do have are content creators who work vigorously to get their content consumed. They have a lot of Content creators who really want their content viewed don't care where the views are coming from. The best ones spend as much time or more getting people interested in viewed their content as they did creating it.

What we seem to have is a very low proportion of content creators that don't spend a significant time promoting their content.


Why should someone care about someone actually reading/viewing their content? Perhaps it's obvious but maybe we should answer it.

  • They have a message they truly believe in and feel personal fulfillment if that message is read because there is greater possibility that it makes an impact on more people's lives the more times it is viewed.

  • More views means more potential for readers that want to read more of their content... and the more people who connect to what or how that creator posts the more potential for actual influence. Which translates to a few different things.

  • Influence can be used to promote a product, promote a theme, get a group to interact on things that you also enjoy interacting about.

  • Influence can lead to indirect ability to earn money on sells of something you are offering

  • They get money directly because of views on some places. Yes the gamification of many sites is that the creator gets a portion of the ad revenue from their post.


What we seem to have is a very low proportion of content creators that don't spend a significant time promoting their content.

This in my mind is simple... if the culture is focused heavily on the reward of posting on Hive being Hive Reward Pool votes then you should only focus on those who have the ability to give Hive Reward Pool votes... why focus on anyone outside of that??

So on one hand it appears OBVIOUS that our culture on hive doesn't care as much about getting anyone to view their content other than hive whales. And it's not clear to them how to win at that game in the first place... if you win by getting just the people with lots of voting power then one of those votes is worth more than 1000 newbies voting on your post and even 10k views from non-hive users means less than any of that.


  • Promote hive as being a place that content creators can have TRUE OWNERSHIP
  • Put less focus on Hive Reward Pool
  • Add other mechanisms for rewarding the actions we'd like to see... aka ways to make getting views valued.

Promoting the long lasting value of True Ownership

There are people out there that really really value the idea of True
Ownership of their content and their connections. I have talked to large content creators and they are more interested in that concept than our small and limited daily reward pool. To be frank the amount of money our limited inflation pool has to offer will never make the really popular content creators excited. Think about it in the last couple years what's the largest vote you've seen on Hive? Divide that by 2 (author reward) will a big time blogger or youtuber be excited about having the POTENTIAL of maybe getting that? Will they assign one of their employees and pay them good money to put their efforts here when all they have is the possibility of getting a large hive vote from one person? It's a gamble.

But when you talk to them about building an audience on a place where they can truly own their own content, their own connections and their own community they get very interested. Because they already know what they can do with an audience.

Putting less focus on reward pool

I like the reward pool it is an incentive mechanism for creating posts and I love the idea that I personally have a way to push interest and encourage topics and authors I'm fond of. It's actually a pretty cool concept. It does have it's short-comings which I'm discussing and the main issue is this:
If we make it the ONLY motivation then it places itself at the foundation of why people are here and it's a pretty weak foundation.
It's dependent on who you know and the price fluctuations of a wild market that is based on sometimes the whims of unknown people. Literally we can really only guess sometimes why the price went up or down we don't actually hear from the people that make it go up or down. So we guess.

I propose a content creator who DEPENDS on creating for their living (or part of it) want's a bit more assurance. They want to know: "If I do A then B will happen" they want equations to follow that are somewhat dependable.

Though i must admit that rewarding content is perhaps one of the best ideas for decentralizing the holdings of a token which is important in theory for price independency and governance issues. In practice of course that doesn't stop people from collecting a ton because others have sold it but the reality is that we don't have very very few users that have over 1% of the tokens.

Other mechanisms to reward users

How do you put less make-or-break importance on Hive Reward Pool inflation? Well... I propose you give users options. This lessens their dependence on one mechanism and this has the added benefit of cooling the tensions surrounding the Hive Reward Pool inflation money.

  • VOTE ON VIEWS: You can even use votes in a more predictable manner... if i bring in the most views to the site or to a community in a day then I can Expect a certain result. (Yes I'm suggesting big HP holders consider voting along those lines sometimes... if they feel inclined)
  • ADS: PeakD has a desire to give communities the ability to decide if they want to have ads on their community which would be directly connected to number of people they get to come to their community. (they can share revenue of course)
  • Automated Hive Contributions: This is something @howo created and will be added to hive in the next HF in June. This means you can find your favorite author and consistently reward them. Perhaps a site like PeakD will help users to identify when the creator does things you consider worth doing that. For example as long as that creator is consistently creating content you are willing to give them a consistent contribution. etc
  • TIPPING: Some websites have done a good job of promoting the culture of Tipping content creators. On hive it's still a work in progress but the good news is we have perhaps one of the best technologies in the world for doing this as our transactions are fast and free. I think you should also expect PeakD to work on ways to make tipping more of a focus.
  • PAY WALL: This is another thing that would be exciting for content creators. If they could create stipulations for who and when a user can view content they have put a lot of effort to create. This is not a new idea by a long shot. Soooo many people do it... they do it on Patreon, many large media outlets do it with millions and millions of paying subscribers. It's a fairly normal idea but on Hive it could work really nice so that lots of people can do it easily with a free fast payment system and content they truly own as an additional perk. The good news is there has also been more conversation on how to get that up and running as well.
    OTHER SUCCESSFUL TOKEN POOLS There have been a couple of communities that have created tokens that value the content of their users. Not many have worked on doing truly unique inflation distribution methods and have mostly copied the hive/steem reward mechanism... but even still with these copies that are more community centric it still takes the stress off of the Hive system itself and these other communities have more ability to try new things in theory and pivot.
    AFFILIATE REVENUE: Maybe the least interesting of the bunch because of it's accessibility to most people but it is a big deal to some outside content creators... I guess if there was a way to make this more prevalent then maybe it also eases the focus on Hive Reward Pool... and the good news it does make some big content creators really excited.

So all these things are great mechanisms to cool the focus. They don't remove the feature of Hive Reward Pools but add other options for content creators to focus on and some of them are more easy to recognize cause and effect. If they get X more viewers they'll statistically end up with this much more Y.


That was a ton of discussion about the importance of Collections... but at least we're hopefully on the same wave length when it comes to views.

We have a crazy amount of posts on Hive and there are actually many good posts that can still benefit someone today even posts from years ago. We can and should focus on SEARCH ... but I think we recognize that with search you are putting a lot of focus on an algorithm to find you content you may want to see.

With collections you are allowing a user who has had direct experience with that content to

  1. Go through lots of content
  2. Select the content they thing is of worth
  3. Order than content in the collection
    (For example best posts first, or newest first, or posts that need to be read before the other to build on top)
  4. Make a statement as a curator to help the user understand what it is they are about to read. OR to help the reader recognize not all posts apply to them.


Because this was brought up in the PeakD discord by @daltano I'll share it here.


  • It's true if I want to read all about the Cybertruck I'd love to have a specially curated feed all about Cybertruck news, discussions and special insights. If someone is a competent curator they would organize that collection in a way that would be most beneficial to me and they would provide a short insight into what posts may be of most benefit so I can be directed to the ones most interesting to me and spare my time from topics I already understand or am not interested in.

  • If someone comes into Hive and wants to know how to be a Block Producer (witness) there are many posts written over the years discussing the the importance for hive, the actual technology to start one, the philosophy of DPOS, the expectations and the benefits of running one. Having those all in one place would be the place you'd actually want to send someone right?

  • @photogames is relaunching on Monday and they're using a continuously curated collection so that they have one single place/link to send people to in order for them to see all active games. Posts will go in each day and then out as soon as the game is over. So instead of constant posts adding noise to the feed and to the blockchain people have one place to go. It is a good thing for Hive and a great thing for users who crave consistency in their experience.

  • There are also multi-part type posts. I did a collection of a roadtrip where each post was only a part of an overall story.

  • @sjarvie5 does a series of art posts that would make any classical art lover proud almost like a tour guide at a fancy museum giving you all sorts of research. And instead of sending a student interested in that sort of stuff a dozen separate links you could send them one.


It's an adaption to the old adage: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Something like:
"If a post is written and no one reads it... does it have value?"

The actions that get something viewed perhaps are more important. That's part of the argument. Because perhaps it's the actual communication of info that provides value and not the info itself.

And what we don't have much of is a way to make content older than 7 days have life. Topic pages are designed to sort by 2 algorithms that highly favor newness and never value anything older than 7 days and then a sorting mechanism that sorts by new to old... again that doesn't benefit anything old.

Search is a big need for hive and @good-karma has done some awesome work on that front and is looking at spending some quality time to upgrade our search experience for posts and for other products on hive (communities, badges, topics and of course COLLECTIONS)


It's not exactly a chicken and the egg thing. Of course the posts usually come before the good collections and a collection needs good posts in order to have lots of value. BUT... a good collection that is nicely and continuously curated may be the reason for posts to be created. If users see they will have a good mechanism for their posts to be consistently read (not just for 7 days) this may provide motivation for making it happen.


With all this stated will be focused on making collections better in the future.

  • Search highly favoring really good collections.
  • Suggestions for collections. Meaning other users can help a curator find good posts to add.
  • A push to get other interfaces to support collections. We did make it an open decentralized standard for a reason.
  • A place to see, sort and search collections in one place which reward views and constant care to older collections instead of just the churn and burn mentality.

Who knows maybe we will see lots of other things added to make collections more exciting.


I'd love to start off the whole culture of collections by promoting the concept of beneficiaries to the authors of the posts in your collection. Maybe PeakD needs to help with this culture by suggesting and if they agree helping them set beneficiaries to the authors of the posts they share. Obviously there is a limit because many collections are created FIRST and then posts are added later and beneficiaries as far as Hive blockchain is concerned do not allow adding a beneficiary to a post. (It's obvious that removal of beneficiaries is a bad thing but there is little argument to be made about not allowing the ADDITION) I think we're a little late to push for this in the next HF but maybe I'll see about pushing for this in the following one.


Then, Collections eh?

NOW that's what CURATION really should be!!

And what we don't have much of is a way to make content older than 7 days have life.

Love it! I'm all for good CURATORS & true CURATION!!

Let's do it!! :)

Catching the vision eh? We like it!!!!!

Oh yeah! I'm precisely that kind of neighbor!! :)

This will be fixed in the next update, thanks for reporting ;)

Interesting argument you make here. I also see a lot of value in collections. Being that I love art and curating maybe I will really start curating some good collections. The main reason I create content is for documentation for myself. Of course, it is nice when the post is recognized too. Maybe share my time between creating and collecting content.

Does peakd have, or plan to have, a way of keeping track of our favorite collections? I love the idea of living collections. It would be awesome to be able to subscribe to them or favorite them. Also knowing when a collection has been updated/added to would make them more useful from a reader/subscriber perspective.

"LIVING COLLECTIONS"... I love that!!

That was part of our design wants and we thought about some other ways to make collections a reality and as a post it had EVERYTHING we wanted except a good favoriting system. BUT it's still a ticket for consideration how to make it happen, it'll just be a little bit challenging. But we'll get there.

I'll share my supporting story:

I think i was just shocked and saddened that i made a normal non-hype post about a defi site called pantherswap and then put it onto a reddit channel I have never posted to before and with that small 2 minute action it became the most viewed post in all of PeakD that day. It wasn't an amazing post but that audience was very interested and it isn't a huge audience. But it doesn't take much to be the most viewed post.

To be honest dtube has one of the most viewed posts almost every day because their website links to a peakd post... but they already got the award once so luckily it now goes to other people. haha

Another thing i say on the stats recently:

@LukeStokes wrote an article about EOS and actually wanted it read so he posted it in many places and it became one of the most viewed of the week.

Consistently several games are at the top of views because they have created an audience and get consistent views because they use their own platforms (websites, discord) to push content.

I like the idea of collections, or rather how they are presented on peaked - I think on it just comes up as normal links. Collections are great since the search function on Hive is so weak, it is non existent in my opinion. It's also great as mentioned already, to give valuable old posts more views particularly when it will benefit readers. In fact, I will be using collections for a new project I have in mind.

What I don't like about collections is how it can be abused, as I have witnessed in the few days it's been around. I love peakd and you guys do great stuff 99% of the time. Cross posting was, and is something that I am not a fan of, particularly in the early days when cross posting was treated as a new post. Collections have the potential to go the same way.

I have seen every single collection ever made and it has NOT been abused at all so not a fan of the FUD ... but do appreciate the kind words and look forward to your project

I still don't understand why crossposting beneficiaries was nixed.
That was genius.
I stopped using communities after that, and as far as I can tell, so did everybody else.
Excepting the brown nosers, of course.
If I paid for friends, I'd have more, too.

Put me down as in favor of the paywalls, that is good thinking, too.
Lot's of people here punching below their weight.
Let them find their value behind a paywall.

Communities are still heavily used more than ever. Most exciting featire hive has imo

But yes paywall will be a great option for really good content creators who have content people truly appreciate

Yes, communities is a great thing since we don't have a viable search, but I can't help but be sickened by all the sycophancy.
Add in that these are the biggest voters in the pool, and it makes everybody that doesn't buy into their clique's bs at a disadvantage compared to a pool that was every person for themselves.
They centralize who gets rewards.
Who gets the rewards?
People that conform to the dictates.
Not a characteristic I would like to see encouraged.
They do make content finding easier, though.

Then the biggest issue is still that Hive Reward Pool carries that much weight on people. We are for sure moving toward bringing other mechanisms to reward communities and user that don't have to do with that very small and limited hive inflation that goes to the Hive Reward Pool. It's such a small ammount that it's a distraction at best from everything else that's amazing about communities.

Yes, I will be glad when defi takes center stage rather than blogging about defi.

Hive-engine is doing that with diesel pools and market maker bots, while Leo is making headway with eth and bsc fans.
Someday soon™ the real rewards will be in providing liquidity to the various markets.

it is really early in the morning so i will probably add more thoughts when i wake up.

But when you talk to them about building an audience on a place where they can truly own their own content, their own connections and their own community they get very interested. Because they already know what they can do with an audience.

I don't know big accounts on any platforms, and the quoted statement is most probably true, but from what i saw in last 3+ years most of "bigger" people that came were not really interested to get their audience here, it was more like "i will here more people to follow and discover my content". And unfortunately number of people here is a rounding error for most bigger content creators. (if we talk outside crypto sphere, for crypto people this is decent crowd).
so it is a bit of a chicken and egg situation.

Yes most bigger content creators are usually always in search for where to find more people to add to their audience. We simply do not have that and should not be leading them to think that hive has that to offer. That is why the hive rewards pool focus is also problematic because they know how to create a message that statistically brings in a certain amount of a certain type of people... but with hive reward pool you need a very few particular users to be of impact and it doesn't matter if you can get 100k people to view your stuff if those particular users aren't them.

So bringing in other reward mechanisms that benefit their types of skill set... aka getting views... is something we will focus on.

Meanwhile if the pitch is that this is the best place to LEAD their audience to and not the best place to FIND an audience then the truth can be on our side

So much in the post, and so much I half agree with. The message in the post I am totally aligned with. Though, how to reach the level or the goals you see can be achieved. I think an alternative route is needed.

To add a thought to to your view on collections. Maybe thinking alternatively a little on the front ends. Talk to anyone, myself included. PeakD is definitely a move forward for the average user of the chain for blogging. With the collections though, maybe a focus on providing a news coverage. Having contracted writers, rewarding those content writers another discussion.
Regular writers are best, I think we can agree on regular content holding value. Hive is like one big newspaper that everyone can put their advertisement in or their literature. But it is chaotic. Not organised at all. The communities is a good effort. It does fall short when it comes to membership of communities to a great deal. Part of the reward me mentality you talk about combatting.

Many obstacles have prevented that shift from what is to what could be. The biggest been unity. While many fight to see their dream come true for the chain. There is little common discussion on the direction to go. Or it appears that way mostly to the general user. A common focus to support all other others. Finding a central point we can all agree to move forward with for the Hive chain. This does not seem to be transparent to the majority of users on the chain.

If we can unite the witness on one thing of focus for the future. Everything else will fall into place. Just maybe.

Hola a todos! estoy de acuerdo con lo que dices @jarvie . Aunque soy nueva en hive y estoy empezando a conocer la forma de trabajo, me parece que hay contenido muy bueno que no es valorado como se debería. Pienso que se deben crear nuevas estrategias para recompensar el trabajo de los creadores de contenido, que perdure en el tiempo, porque eso de que dure 7 días es muy limitativo, y en lo particular, veo que la gente anda es detrás de una recompensa diaria y no se preocupan por crear contenidos de mayor calidad. Creo que se debería de trabajar en función de eso. Esto de las colecciones me parece excelente, hay que valorar el trabajo de los creadores de contenido. Adelante con tu iniciativa y éxitos.