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RE: The Myth of Slack

in Hive Improvement4 years ago

I'm not answering you and I don't expect to get a reply from you. I'm talking generally with everyone:

All decisions are made on the official gitlab or on the chain. All you have to do is to check posts by @blocktrades as usually, he posts everything there.

We understand that there is no 1 person making decisions. The more stake you have, the more you should be in the part of making a decision. You can't ignore the large stakeholders and in the meantime, you can't trust a person who is not in the game to decide for the game's future.

Also, you can't force people to participate in a development work or help make decisions. For instance, we can't force @freedom to join a discord group and help us develop the chain. The work is voluntary.

Anyone willing to help the Hive is more than welcome. I'm not the person to make decisions about this topic or anything else. But we can agree as a whole community to trust the votes of the community. The top witnesses are elected by stakeholders, whether you like it or not, they (not all of them and not just top 20) are usually the voluntary workers around here.

Instead of insulting people that are working, look at the stakeholders who choose them. Go ask voters why they vote. Just want to remind the average users who just use Hive as a social media that there are people with more stake than them.

My point is, if you are not aware of ongoing developments and discussions, probably you are just an end-user who just uses Hive as a social media and doesn't participate in the necessary areas. You can't expect people to listen to you and do the free work for you. That's how our world works around here.

If you want to work for free, visit the official GitLab. OR, set up a proposal and see whether stakeholders want to pay for your skills or not.

Don't attack the people who do the work. They are chosen by stakeholders.


You should have picked another comment to write this "general response" to.

What exactly did you counter with this comment? Im sorry, but what youre arguing has nothing to do with me or anyone i know that holds the same position.

Who am i insulting? Im precisely questioning stakeholder behavior.

Im attacking unfair behavior, stupid behavior (cryptofinally drama), wasteful spending, etc.

htedoh da ti posaljem poruku na twiteru al ne mogu. zanima me tvoje misljenje o ovoj zajebanciji jer zaista zelim da vidim drugu stranu. mozda sam pod uticajem ovog sranja koje se desava u okolini pa ne vidim nesto sto bi trebalo da vidim. zasto mi njena prica deluje kao da mi moj voljeni precednik ili premijer pricaju sa tv-a, jer neko ko je skoro 2 godine na platformi, i imao je ozbiljnu podrsku u glasovima, a nikad u zivotu nije kliknuo na upvote, cak ni na komentare u svojim postovima mi ne deluje iskreno u prici o podrsci platformi i ljubavi prema istoj.

Totalno je nebitno za sta i kako koristi platformu. Ako ne vota to ostaje u reward poolu.
Ona je neki influencer i to dosta poznat sa skoro 50k followera. Tribamo takve ljude jer je twitter bitan. Jako malo je takvih i ona je jedna od vecih na twitteru. Potjerati je odavde je najgluplja stvar sta mozemo napravit.

taj deo je ok, i nemam nista protiv, nego mi je prica o ljubavi i brizi malo 🤢 verovatno sam previse osetljiv :D

"Read the transcript":

All decisions are made on the official gitlab or on the chain. All you have to do is to check posts by @blocktrades as usually, he posts everything there.

I mean, how much clearer does it get?

& btw, the post actually does explain "EVERYTHING"

Not sure what part isn't clearly explained.

Apart from conspiracy theories and assumptions, is there anything to back your hear say and allegations?

Unlike Steem, there is no King Dick called "Ned" or his centralized stake all with a centralized jurisdiction entity that can and did serve as a loophole in the ecosystem.

What was the case on Steem, is literally nothing even remotely close to what is "The GO" on Hive.

Why don't you take a gander at Gitlab and compare it to Steem.

Why don't you read what is out there on the relevant channels of communications.

Seriously, make an effort before coming to unfounded and totally bogus conclusions.

No, no they are not made on github. That is preposterous. A framework is set up beforehand and ideas are discussed before they get on Github (might not happen in slack, but does between those from slack), which is understandable and is the case with all and any change with any project, otherwise there would be a lot of wasted time.

conspiracy theories

Not a single conspiracy theory.

Unlike Steem, there is no King Dick called "Ned"

Sure, but there are many "Baron Dicks" as we just saw with the CF drama.

Seriously, make an effort before coming to unfounded and totally bogus conclusions.

Not a single thing i said is unfounded, its highly logical and can be seen world around when it comes to any societal structure. There is always a core group of people in any and all organization and these structures always lean towards centralization.
Hive the blockchain might be decentralized but "the slack" in relation to the wider community is a centralized point of power. There is no denying and you can twist it any way you want. You can call it "necessary" like guilty parties did in this post but its a fact.

Im not here to criticize its existence. That would be silly because i realize its necessity. Im here to criticize actions of the individuals in it. Their unfair behavior among other things.
All in order that it gets improved over time.

I have no horse in this race outside the wish HIVE "does better".
