Mis uñas, una representación del Pavo Real.. My fingernails, a representation of the Peacock.

in MakeUp Power3 years ago

Buenas noches amigos de HIVE, en especial a la comunidad de @MakeUp Power el día de hoy les mostrare como podemos hacer un novedoso y sencillo diseño para las uñas que representen al pavo real, con tonos de azul, blanco, verde y en este caso aprovechando las plumas que suelta mi loro Rufino, quise sacarle provecho, las utilizare en esta creación. Esperando que les guste y logren hacerlas mis bellas amigas.


Good evening friends of HIVE, especially to the community of @MakeUp Power today I will show you how we can make a new and simple design for nails that represent the peacock, with shades of blue, white, green and in this case taking advantage of the feathers that my parrot Rufino releases, I wanted to take advantage, I will use them in this creation. I hope you like it and you manage to make them my beautiful friends.


  • Acetona
  • algodòn
  • esmalte de uñas verde, azul y blanca
  • lima
  • palillo
  • piedritas decorativas
  • sarcillos
  • plumas de ave.



  • Acetone
  • cotton
  • green, blue and white nail polish
  • nail file
  • toothpick
  • decorative pebbles
  • twigs
  • bird feathers.

Iniciamos pintando con el esmalte de color azul las uñas, hasta que el color quede uniforme.




Start by painting the blue polish on the nails until the color is uniform.

Recortar y pegar los pedacitos de pluma de ave en cada una de las uñas.


Cut out and glue the bird feather pieces to each of the nails.

Con el color blanco mojamos la punta del palillo, en la plumas de cada uña dibujar 2 puntos de manera separadas.


With the white color we wet the tip of the toothpick, on the feathers of each nail draw 2 points separately.

Seguidamente con el palillo hacer el procedimiento antes mencionado pero ahora con el esmalte verde.


Then with the toothpick do the above mentioned procedure but now with the green glaze.

Comenzamos a pegar 1 piedrita en cada una para irle dando vistosidad y brillo a la uña y con una aguja perforamos la uña el cual se le va a encrustar el sarcillo.



We begin to glue 1 pebble in each one to make the nail shiny and bright and with a needle we pierce the nail which is going to curl the nail.

Por ultimo se le aplica una capa de esmalte trasparente o brillo a cada una de las uñas para darle un mejor acabado.


Finally, a coat of clear polish or gloss is applied to each nail to give it a better finish.

Presentación final del diseño de uñas.



Final presentation of the nail design.

De antemano, mis amigos muchas gracias por su apoyo.

In advance, my friends, thank you very much for your support.


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Everything she touches forms ART. Beautiful

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much for your positive comment... greetings.

Hahaha... This is the second time I'm seeing the work you do on your fingernails and each one seems to be better than the other one.

It shows that you are very talented in this so I want to know if you also earn money while doing it for people

 3 years ago  

Hello friend...thank you very much for your complimentary comments..... If I'm honest I'm not doing it for anyone else I'm just starting and I've done it to show it to you.