Artistic make-up inspired by snakes 🐍/Maquillaje artístico inspirado en las serpientes 🐍

in MakeUp Power3 years ago

¡Saludos mis queridos hivers! 😊

Les doy la bienvenida a otro capítulo en mi blog.

Greetings my dear hivers! 😊

I welcome you to another chapter on my blog.

Hace un tiempo pensé en un maquillaje donda la estrella fuera una serpiente, por eso hoy me dispuse a inventar un poco y el resultado fué el que verán a continuación. No considero que es mi mejor trabajo, pero para ser la primera vez que me dibujo este animal, creo que no quedó tan mal 😅

Para elaborarlo tardé 45 min aproximadamente, porque si algo soy, es lenta jajajaja... Pero es porque me distraigo demasiado, trazo una línea y me pongo a hablar, pintó un lado y me quedo lela frente al televisor, y de paso cambio mucho de opinión, así que en el proceso empiezo de cero unas cuantas veces. En fin, ya les muestro el resultado de mi práctica del día 😉
Some time ago I thought about a make-up where the star was a snake, so today I decided to invent a little and the result was the one you will see below. I don't consider it my best work, but for being the first time I draw this animal, I think it wasn't too bad 😅

To elaborate it took me 45 min approximately, because if there's something I am, it's slow hahahaha.... But it's because I get distracted too much, I draw a line and I start talking, I paint one side and I stay in front of the TV, and by the way I change my mind a lot, so in the process I start from scratch a few times. Anyway, I'll show you the result of my practice of the day 😉.


Les muestro el proceso:

I show you the process:

Materiales utilizados:
  • Pintura al frío color blanco.
  • Pintura al frío color negro.
  • Pintura al frío color verde.
  • Sombra para ojos color verde.
  • Sombra para ojos color negro.
  • Pigmento color amarillo.
  • Labial color rojo.
Materials used:
  • Cold paint white color.
  • Paint to the cold black color.
  • Paint to the cold green color.
  • Eyeshadow green color.
  • Eyeshadow black color.
  • Pigment yellow color.
  • Lipstick red color.



¿Qué opinan del resultado?

What do you think of the result?

¡Nos leemos pronto!

See you soon!

  • La traducción está hecha con la app Deepl.
  • Banner editado con la aplicación Canva
  • Portada editada con la app PicsArt

Rojo Amarillo Color Bloque Foto Comida Servicio de Entrega Empresa Portada de Facebook.jpg


Haha ha

Liked it!

I remember that I was kidding that I was going to tattoo a snake causing it to devour my head and its body wrapped around my whole body haha

 3 years ago  

Hello! hahahahahaha.... Really? I think the result of such a tattoo would be awesome yet scary 😅 You could start with a smaller tattoo.

Haha ha

I will not do such a thing.

But I always say that to see people's reaction.

In the past I wanted to get a tattoo, time went by and I didn't get one. And nowadays, I no longer feel like doing

Para mi esta bonito!. Y te queda bien

 3 years ago  

¡Hola bella! Gracias por tomarte un tiempo para darme tu opinión 😊 Me alegra que te haya gustado ✨😁

That's really creative!

You look cute, but gotta say, a little scary! :O :D

Last year I was taking a walk, which is mainly what I write about on here, and I stepped on a poisonous snake! So yeah, I'm a little scared of them. But I got lucky and that one I met on my walk didn't bite me. I don't think I would mind meeting the snake you drew on your face. I think it wouldn't bite me either! :D

What a strange comment I just wrote! :) But I won't change it. I'll come back in a year and laugh at it though :D

 3 years ago  

Hey! hahahahahaha.... I'm also afraid of snakes, I think it's because when I was little I found one in my garden, and thank God it didn't attack me either, so I don't know where the desire to draw me one came from 😅 Stranger I think it's my desire to paint something I'm afraid of 🤭 Cheers!