Hindu style makeup of snake inside me

in MakeUp Power3 years ago (edited)

Hindu style makeup of snake inside me


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Espero se encuentren súper bien, después de una larga noche editando por fin puedo mostrarles este maquillaje, la temática es bastante evidente, se trata de una serpiente atravesando y recorriendo mi piel, este maquillaje lo realicé influenciada por la cultura hindú, una de mis culturas favoritas especialmente su vestimenta. Los colores que he utilizado tampoco son coincidencia me he inspirado en el hermoso color de la naranja siciliana, a partir de allí combine el resto de colores para que fuese un look completamente cálido, a mí me ha gustado un montón ojalá a ti también, si te interesa saber como lo hice continúa leyendo este post.


I hope you are super well, after a long night editing I can finally show you this makeup, the theme is quite evident, it is a snake crossing and running through my skin, I did this makeup influenced by Hindu culture, one of my cultures. favorites especially her clothing. The colors that I have used are not a coincidence either, I was inspired by the beautiful color of Sicilian orange, from there I combined the rest of the colors to make it a completely warm look, I liked it a lot, hopefully you too, yes You are interested in knowing how I did it, continue reading this post.


🔴 Primer paso: comencé dejando mi rostro completamente limpio e hidratado para así aplicar la base, en este punto aproveche de perfilar mis cejas, aplique corrector líquido y realice baking. | 🔘 First step: I started leaving my face completely clean and hydrated in order to apply the base, at this point I took advantage of outlining my eyebrows, apply liquid concealer and perform baking.

🔴 Segundo paso: en mi parpado superior aplique sombra naranja esta la degrade con un tono terracota y profundice la cuenca con sombra marrón, realice un delineado negro, y en el inicio de la cuenca hice un delineado con glitter dorado. | 🔘 Second step: on my upper eyelid I applied orange shadow, it was degraded with a terracotta tone and deepened the basin with brown shadow, made a black outline, and at the beginning of the basin I made an outline with golden glitter.

🔴 Tercer paso: retire el baking para comenzar a realizar los contornos, aplicar rubor e iluminador, agregue delineador en lápiz en la línea de agua, aplique sombra terracota en el parpado inferior y sombra satinada blanca al inicio del ojo. | 🔘 Third step: remove the baking to begin to contour, apply blush and highlighter, add pencil eyeliner to the water line, apply terra cotta shadow on the lower eyelid and white satin shadow at the beginning of the eye.

🔴 Cuarto paso: hice las líneas guías de la cabeza y la cola de la serpiente, con sombra de ojos le di color degradando de claro a oscuro le di detalles con pintura negra y blanca, con sombra negra hice el sombreado de afuera, pinte mis labios y aplique las piedras brillantes. | 🔘 Fourth step: I made the guidelines for the head and tail of the snake, with eyeshadow I gave it color degrading from light to dark I gave it details with black and white paint, with black shadow I made the shading outside, I painted my lips and apply sparkling stones.

🔴 Quinto paso: en este último paso hice lo mismo que el paso anterior pero esta vez dibujando el cuerpo de la serpiente y sin agregar las piedras brillantes. | 🔘 Fifth step: in this last step I did the same as the previous step but this time drawing the body of the snake and without adding the shiny stones.


Para realizar este maquillaje utilicé: base, corrector líquido, polvos sueltos, delineador líquido y en lápiz, sombras de ojos, glitter, primer, contorno, rubor, iluminador, labial, pintura negra y blanca, piedras brillantes, brochas y pinceles.

To make this makeup I used: foundation, liquid concealer, loose powder, liquid and pencil eyeliner, eye shadows, glitter, primer, contour, blush, highlighter, lipstick, black and white paint, shiny stones, brushes.

resultado final.gif






















That's such a awesome creative idea raineth.

thanks, trying to be more creative every day hehe

This is an amazing talent.

I don't think I've ever wanted to instinctually reblog content so fast. I checked out your history—more than deserving of all the attention you're receiving. Congratulations!

You're on my radar now. Keep'em comin!

Wooow incredible motivating comment, it makes me very happy that my work is to your liking, I do my best. Thanks for your appreciation.