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RE: My NFT flipping experience part 2

in NFT Investing3 years ago

True. Gas so high :/ hopefully it will be gone or lessen after Eth 2 or whatever they call it. Oh yah, even until now we aren't sure about copyright stuff but at least we see less fanart now cos they don't wanna risk it.

THANK YOU! Thanks to those who support and appreciate what I do, it has helped me improve fast as well :D


You are most welcome! It's always nice to see people you know succeed. Especially in the arts. Yes, unless gas goes WAY down... or i get crypto rich i think i will pass on MP or anything on Eth really.

Even doing a swap to get my ERC20 tokens converted to something else is a financial nightmare. funny/not funny
Perhaps the switch to POS will get their lead foot off the gas over there. ALL these are perfect reasons why i love Hive!

Cardano would also be a great place to get in early on their NFT markets as a creative.
Take care and keep up the great work!