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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Lair of the Giant Spiders

in Urban Exploration2 years ago

The white shit is cobwebs!?! Are you fucking serious? That's insane. I thought it was dandelion or plant fluff or something.

Crazy hippy man sounds scary to me. I picture him with tight shorts, sandels, a half torn shirt and grizzly beard.


It looked like webs to me, I wasn't going to look further.. a pincer could have taken my eye out! Hippy was well educated, but had shunned society.

Gotcha. I don't think I would go in and explore any further either.

Understandable. Who doesn't want to shun society and live in the woods at times?

Who doesn't want to shun society and live in the woods at times?

It's not a bad idea, @revisesociology would concur!