Sudbina napuštenih sela 🛖🏚️🏠 The fate of abandoned villages

in Urban Explorationlast year (edited)

Da li je samo selo prepušteno sudbini ili i divna priroda koja ga okružuje?
Nažalosta izgleda da je sve stalo osim vode koja teče, šum vetra ili po koje ptice u letu.
Tužna sudbina sve više utiče na sela, ljudi sve više odlaze u grad, verovatno u potrazi za boljim životom!
Ali da li su svesni koje prirodne lepote ostavljaju za sobom?

Is the village itself left to fate or the wonderful nature that surrounds it?
Unfortunately, everything seems to have stopped except for the flowing water, the sound of the wind or some birds in flight.
A sad fate is affecting the villages more and more, people are increasingly going to the city, probably in search of a better life!
But are they aware of the natural beauty they are leaving behind?


Pa mislim da i nisu, dok u gradu vlada gužva sa svih strana, ljudi uvek negde žure, svojim obavezama, pored toga okružuje nas sivilo betona a manje zelenila i parkova za opuštanje. Selo je za razliku od grada raj za dušu, mir i tišna, samo cvrkut ptica, žubor vode zaista je odmor za dušu ali ga ipak mladi sve više napušNataju i sele se u velike gradove i traže nešto bolje i više a nisu ni svesni šta ostavljaju za sobom.

Well, I don't think they are, while the city is crowded from all sides, people are always rushing somewhere, with their obligations, besides, we are surrounded by gray concrete and less greenery and parks for relaxation. Unlike the city, the village is a paradise for the soul, peaceful and quiet, only the chirping of birds, the gurgling of water is truly a rest for the soul, but young people see it more and more and hate it and move to big cities and look for something better and more, and they are not even aware of what they leave behind.




Na žalost to je jednostavno tako, osvrnuvši se oko sebe može se osetiti samo pustoš, za ono što mislim da je tišina pretvara se u tugu.
Čovek i nemože da zamisli koliko su možda naši preci uložili truda da naprave po koju kuću, nekada davno i nije baš sve cvetalo i bilo toliko para da bi se gradile ogromne kuće kao danas.
Ali čemu trud i misao o naslednicima kada su danas kuće postale prava pustoš.

Unfortunately it's just like that, looking around you can only feel desolation, what I think is silence turns into sadness.
One cannot even imagine how much effort our ancestors may have put into building each house, once upon a time not everything flourished and there was so much money to build huge houses like today.
But why the effort and the thought of heirs when today the houses have become a real wasteland.




U kojoj se situaciji danas nalazimo, grad je postao skup ne samo za stanovanje več i po pitanju hrane koju kupujemo, za razliku na selu gde može svako da ima svoje proizvode koje može da uzgaja.
Kuće na selu imaju veliku baštu i pruža se mogućnost da se uzgajaju sobstveni proizvodi.

In the situation we are in today, the city has become expensive not only for housing, but also for the food we buy, unlike in the countryside where everyone can have their own products that they can grow.
Houses in the countryside have a large garden and it is possible to grow your own products.






Nadam se da će se ova situacija jednom popraviti, i da će ove kuće biti možda renovirane jer su neke zaista propale prepuštene zubu vremena.
Ili možda se podigne i nova gradnja.
Iskreno se nadam da će jedno ove prirodne lepote sela opet dobiti svoju vrednost i da će ljudi svatiti šta su u stvari napustlili.
Jer život na selu se nemože uporediti sa onim u gradu, gde te mogu okruživati samo prirodne lepote.

I hope that this situation will be improved one day, and that these houses will perhaps be renovated because some have really fallen into disrepair.
Or maybe a new building will be built.
I sincerely hope that one of these natural beauties of the village will regain its value and that people will realize what they have actually abandoned.
Because life in the countryside cannot be compared to that in the city, where only natural beauty can surround you.

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indoor old 5.png

indoor old 4.png

indoor old 5.png

indoor old.png

indoor old 6.png

indoor old 7.png

Tuga i žalost za ostavljena sela.

Sadness and mourning for the villages left behind.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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great photos!

Thank you!

Some pictures look drawn.
Are these shot photos or drawn pictures of houses from Serbia?

These are some of my special Technics and effects that I combine and mix. They both, mixed. I hope it is pleasure for eyes to try something new.