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RE: Fails of the Urban Explorer: A Quartet of Failures V

in Urban Exploration4 years ago

That old library is an interesting looking building. The demolition people or whoever has control of these places don't want the liability of some ne'er-do-well (had to look that up) getting in and doing themselves a mischief. Looks like there's a fair bit of luck involved with these missions.

Take care mate.


liability of some ne'er-do-well (had to look that up) getting in and doing

I had to look it up as well, did you think as a northerner I would know it? :)

There is some luck and that is timing on whether they have been sealed up again. It's a never ending game, of crack open and then seal. Who cracks them open.., I have no idea.

Some people have less scruples than you about breaking things. I guess if they already did the damage then you feel it's okay to make use of it. You have to decide on your own moral stance, but it could have something to do with what can get you into trouble with the rozzers :)