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RE: No One Will Ever Be Like Me

in Hi From Hive3 years ago

And so are all of my worst enemies. :insert coo coo cock: I think the problem isn't the person or the voices, people and voices are Mornal. I think the problem is they're ignoring the wrong ones. Or at least that's what one of my good ones said.

I better! If you ever feel the need to deduct a point, give me a heads first and I'll take my own head off with the butt end of a shotgun.


"I better! If you ever feel the need to deduct a point, give me a heads first and I'll take my own head off with the butt end of a shotgun..."

In a fictional scenario...

Cause we both know that could never happen to one of us... right?

wink wink, nudge


Don't shoot shotgun?!? Bigger than this image.
