Buying a Car Thanks to Hive 🚗 || My Hive Journey

in Hi From Hive3 years ago

victoria's covers (1).png

I Bought a Car Thanks to Hive! 😏 Without a Power Down


No, it wasn't only from my posting rewards, cause well, I don't make that much on my posts 🤣😅 and because I also buy food and other stuff, but it was all from my work on the Hive Blockchain.

Starting on Hive was like…

I created my account almost 4 years ago on January 2018, trying to seek easy money instead I ended up pregnant and fat. So, yeah be aware the blockchain can get you pregnant if you are not careful, look I joined on January 10 by January 18 I got pregnant… so, yeah after my introduction was paying out… you have been warned!

After the first few months of not being successful, I finally understood what was happening, our blockchain is a social one, you need to socialize to be successful in it, is not just posting and waiting for the votes to come falling on your lap from the sky. You actually need to put in effort and work in to get to know the right people and make yourself known as well.

Meeting the right people

I also learned that the blockchain is a huge ecosystem full of opportunities, that go way beyond just making a post on your blog and monetize your content that way, having the global reach that Hive has allows you to meet people from all over the world and if you let them see your ability to do hard work, support, and just simply be of any kind of help in their project you can gain so much more by working with them and not just form your posting rewards, game playing or using any dapps on the blockchain you can also gain a job! Of course, you need to be of help in making that project a success.

Joining the MinnowSupport Project

This was the turning point for me on the blockchain, I was pregnant feeling like a whale and not because I had the wallet, and was all around miserable (pregnancy hit me like a train) I was not being successful with my posting and needed something to make pass my time while I was in bed all day because I didn’t want to do anything.

That is how I got to the PALNet discord server, I was bored and starting chatting in the general chat to help me practice my English (that stills a LOT work on, sorry for my bad English!) and to help me pass the time, I started to learn so much SO SO Much about the blockchain, from the people that I met there, I started to help out too I felt the need to repay the help I was getting by helping back.

I don't think I will fully understand how Hive works (and not just technically but like socially and in all aspects) but being with this group of people has helped me understand it so much more than I did at first.

Making Hive my full-time job

I'm a lawyer, I graduated in 2017 but to be honest, I lack experience in the field and since I got pregnant in early 2018 is not like I was going to be able to find a job that would allow me to gain more experience at that moment, also I live in Venezuela as many of you know and well the economical situation here is crazy to not get into detail. So, the blockchain came to me at right the perfect time, since I couldn’t get a job, my profession was not making me gain much and my Boyfriend was just gaining minimal wage at that time (here that is around 2 to 3 $ a month).

I can’t say I was making a lot from posting, cause back them when we were at the old chain, with the coin price being so low and with the curation rules completely different it was hard to gain a lot in a post. Yet since I didn’t have another choice, I stuck with the blockchain, through the ugly time when the coin price was at 0.16 and lower, yet when it was time for me to have my baby and I found out I need to have a c-section, the blockchain again help me out, one community member had read my story and help me out paying part of the bill from the Red Cross where I have my baby. so yeah, I have the blockchain for being able to pay my c-section and have my baby without any stress at all.

After the baby was born I became a stay-at-home mom, since I didn’t have anyone to take care of the kid for me and I was breastfeeding on demand it was not like I could leave him to go to a job outside of our house. So, I just stuck with Hive, I continued to make posts and networking being part of the awesome mods of PALNet.

Hive has allowed me to buy food for my family and diapers, medicine, and more for my baby. so, I continue to work hard teaching people about our blockchain and helping the projects I'm part of.

projects by the PALNet team

In comes NFTShowroom, Lensy and DublUp

Again, getting to know the right people can get you places, and the PALNet group of people is one of the most talented and smart group of people I was lucky to meet, and not only that but we are kind of like a family at this point, we will build a castle and will all go live in PALNet land LMAO. Being part of this group has allowed me to be part of the creations of some successful projects, others not so much but that we will eventually get there.

By being part of this I has allows me to have economical freedom I didn’t know I would be able to have just by being part of the blockchain. And that is how I manage to get myself a car!

Buying a Car thanks to Hive

For my job in the different projects I'm involved in Hive, I get to pay, is not like a lot and I'm not complaining but is not like I will become rich overnight or anything like that but, for a stay-at-home mom like myself who lives in a country where the minimum monthly wage is 2 to 3 US $, the money I make with these projects plus the money make from posting and from playing games on the blockchain, has allowed me to make a dream come true.

I bought my first car! This is something that was possible thanks to Hive, to get to know the blockchain beyond just the blog dapp, to networking, and to hard and constant work. To top it all up, I manage to do it without a single power down!

You’ll see networking again plays an important part here, not only I was able to get pay for the job I do on some projects on Hive, cause of the people I got to meet, but I also know a super sweet and super awesome guy that has a bank of a lot of things sometimes is a brawling bank, sometimes is a fruit bank lol @neoxian is a old-time hive user and witness that is also part of the original founding members of Minnowsupport, getting to know him to allow me to ask for a loan to actually buy the car. Since otherwise, it would have taken me a little bit of time to come up with the whole amount of money to do the buying or I would have to make a power down and that is something I have never done in the whole time I have in the blockchain. You can see the awesome contract that was made on the blockchain for its immutability Here

Not Powering Down

Being a parent you know you want what is best for your kids and want to protect their future, being a parent in Venezuela is hard cause sometimes you don't know if you will be able to provide for them the way you want to and the way they need you to in the future, so for me, that is what the Hive Power that I have means, is my kid’s saving account, now I know with the volatility of crypto this may not be a normal way to save money for the future but, is the way manage to do it and so far I have only seen a good gain on it. So far, I have managed to make over 8255 HP all on my own completely organically from posting alone and I consider that not my money but my kids, so not doing a power down even tho is hard sometimes cause knowing I have that money there and not use it is hard to believe me! But I have managed to do it to keep that HP intact and safe there for my kid’s future, knowing he has it there in case of an emergency or for when he needs it makes me feel calmer and relax.

Is not a Lambo but It gets me places!

In crypto people always is asking for their coins to the moon in price to be able to buy themselves the more expensive car in most cases this is a Lamborghini. Now again not complaining but the money I make on Hive hasn’t yet allowed me to buy a Lambo, mostly I think because I really don't like them LMAO, I prefer a Bentley. But truth be told since I do have other expenses like a 3-year-old boy who just started preschool, I ended up buying my sister used car.

a Daewoo Racer


You can read more about it on the Wikipedia page because I don't know how to speak car language
If I manage to make my boyfriend post again, he may tell the stories about fixing the little things that the car had going for being a little old, is from 1997 so as expected all old cars have little things to fix all the time, but to be honest, is not only a saver on gas but also for being that old is in pretty good conditions mechanically.

As for the exterior is a little hit on the sides and the paint could use some help, but the interiors are perfect and again it takes me where I want to go.

I actually bought it over 2 months ago, but didn’t want to make this post until today because I made the last and final payment for the loan yesterday.


Having a Car in Venezuela is fun

And not in the good way fun, more like in OMG gas is expensive and can’t be found anywhere without a huge line to fill the tank way.
But it also allows me take my kid to places without having to use the public transportation that is not only hard to find too in Venezuela but in this pandemic’s times actually dangerous.
Having a Car makes my life easier even tho I don't actually drive myself; my boyfriend is our chuffer LOL. I do know I need to learn but I refuse to do it on a manual Car I need an automatic.

My next goal on Hive

To improve my car to an automatic model, right now we are very happy with our current wheels but to make it easier on me to learn to drive we want to see if we can later on buy an automatic who is also not as old so it decreases the likelihood of having mechanical problems, it may take me a while but I'm sure if I work hard, I will get there!

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My Advice when it comes to Hive the Blockchian

Get to know the platform you are using on the daily basics, do networking, come out of your comfort zone, learn all there is to learn about the blockchain, know there is more than just the blogging dapp, be constant, patience, and work hard, but above all don't try and play smart ass on the reward pool you can gain far more and better by doing things right, cause in the chain there are people like me who have benefitted from it so much we are always on the lookout to protect our beloved blockchain from abusers.

As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

Picture Credits: All images are of my property unless said otherwise, the emojis are made with & Icons with icons8

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I am definitely getting on this... There is still a lot i feel i haven't done and need to do. And maybe that's because I'm just one month on Hive but i have big dreams for this place. Thanks for sharing. And congratulations on the car. ❤️

wao impresionante historia, Y un buen consejo para aquellos que estamos entrando en el mundo de Hive, De verdad que tus palabras motivan y nos dan fuerzas para seguir luchando.
soy nueva en esto, aun así quiero seguir conociendo mas sobre esta comunidad, y lograr muchas cosas positiva en mi vida.
Me contenta que ya tengas tu auto, te lo mereces por tu gran esfuerzo y constancia.

Que alegría me da leer esto, felicidades, la constancia es la clave <3

happie to see people are taking such a long profit from blockchain... your story is really inspired me to do something. first time i have heard that you will get job in hive platform too... i also want to earn more for my future... thankyou so.. mch for inspiration...


!giphy congrats

mi objetivo también es ese en Hive aparte de terminar de construir mi hogar para mis dos hijos en conjunto con mi esposa, estamos dándole con esfuerzo y constancia a este hermosa pasión que se llama Hive, @victoriabsb te felicito hermana dios colme sienpre de salud tu vida por que el resto lo hacemos nosotros.

Si se puede! espero leer tu post donde ya muestres tu casa terminada con tus recompensas de Hive!

amen amiga mía lo subiré te etiquetare y colocare mi foto del antes y después, esta plataforma es maravillosa siento tu éxito como parte del mío amiga mía y así debemos pensar todos acá!

That is such an awesome read! Well done you !PIZZA AND !ALIVE

Posted using Dapplr


Esto me llena de alegría porque este fue uno de los sueños que mas quisiste y ahora lo estas materializando, ya te veo montada en el carro y todo! jaja, me llena de mucho orgullo y entusiasmo porque fuiste una de las primeras a la que leí una de las guías cuando aun no me había abierto una cuenta en Hive. Haz ayudado a muchas personas traduciendo las guías, haz sido el pilar de la enseñanza y la constancia y logros como estos te lo mereces!! Felicidades Victoria, un éxito mas de los que vienen de ahora en adelante!

Gracias que linda!

Me alegra mucho Victoria. De verdad siempre te he visto en Hive trabajando fuertemente. Ayudando y enseñando. De verdad me alegra mucho por ti

Gracias!!! 🤗

Felicitaciones con lo conseguido. Que sigan los éxitos en esta red.

Awww I am utterly impressed by your story! You are such a powerful woman, congratulation from the bottom of my heart for all of your success in here, you deserved it! Your pregnancy really hit you lol no pun intended but it seems like it was the best thing that happened to you. Reading about your life in Venezuala and about the minimum wage (wow 3 bucks, I still can't believe) I can see how Hive is really the golden goose for you and also a great community for support. Reading about the help for the c-section confirms me what a great soul have all members of Hive. I admire your strengh and the fact that you fought for a better life and that you pursue your dream to offer for your child a better future!

Yeah not even Venezuelans can believe it either i seriously doubt right now the normal worker on a company has that wage but the public employees do and i dont know how they do to survive.

Thank you so much for you words 🤗 Hive is the best to allow you to meet some pretty awesome humans

Have you ever thought about moving out to another country?

I actually have and planned to do it, but truth be told we much rather stay here at least for now since we don't want to be away from our families, and is better to know you have a roof over your head and your kids head than go to a new country and start all over with a kid so small.

True. I think that you will make the best decision for you and your family! God bless you!

Felicidades prima ya se quien me sacara de paseo, con mis retoños y tu familia el carro nos quedara pequeño jajaja que bueno que as podido lograr tener tu primer carro y estoy segura que si podras lograr tener uno que tu misma puedas manejar.

Verga Victoria que conmovido estoy por tu triunfo. Verdaderamente lo siento como si fuera el mío. Estoy seguro que será uno tanto de muchos éxitos que tendrás. Vos le echas un camión. Vamos carajo!

Gracias 💖

Super inspiring post - thanks so much for sharing!

Proves that yes - a LOT is possible through Hive/Blockchain if one is prepared to put the effort in.

Congratulations on the car and may you one day get that Lambo :)


Thank you so much! Hard work does pays off and Hive gives so much opportunities you just have to be smart to take them!

Absolutely! There are lots of opportunities! Congratulations again and have a great day!

It's a very interesting story @victoriabsb. I'm happy it turned out to be successful, I'm in a similar situation of figuring it out too. I joined 4 years ago but out of frustration I left. I came back 3 weeks ago and it's been interesting connecting to people and learning socialization.

PS : Mom, Your child would also love a car too😄 he looks cute in front of one.

Mom, Your child would also love a car too😄 he looks cute in front of one.

is His and he knows it LOL, he loves to go on car rides and begs his dad to take him every day even if is just around the street.

I joined 4 years ago but out of frustration I left

this is a typical thing since when you start on Hive you don't know how it works is really hard to get a good start and that is what hurts our retention, but is also why a lot of us especially in the Hispanic community dedicate ourselves to help new users.

is His and he knows it LOL, he loves to go on car rides and begs his dad to take him every day even if is just around the street.

This comment made me smile hard.I'm far from being a dad but yet I feel the joy from your words.

And yes since I returned,there's been great support from a lot of support came from you as curation on one of my post which am thankful.

Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍

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Que bueno, muchas felicidades, a mi me sucedió algo parecido, lo mejor es que lo hemos hecho trabajando y sin un apagado como tu dices. sigue adelante amiga, si se puede. que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad, no dejes nunca de soñar y hacerlo en grande.


Considero que mi mayor logro y satisfacción es la de no haber realizado un power down, lograr obtener el dinero mediante otros trabajos aparte de postear me ayudo a lograrlo porque se de otra forma no hubiera podido.

Congratulations, this is really nice to read am happy for you.

I am struggling here as well but thanks to your advice of socializing 😁 thanks BTW your baby is so cute

Hey! Yes always remember Hive is a social Blockchain so one big thing to do here is... well be social, talk to others, be part of community activities, join contest or challenges, comment other people posts (good valuable comments) make yourself known.

And let me know if you have any questions or need any help 🤗 enjoy hiving!

I'll try to socialize and make myself familiar with the people around. And yes I'll Stay in touch with you 😅 I needed that motivation and guidance well thanks for providing it at the right time

That's so awesome & so incredibly well deserved, dear lady!

And I couldn't resist... 😂

Lmao!!! Thank you sweet lady ❤️

Thank you for sharing your journey on here.
I've pretty much just started out within the past month and what you said was so spot on, it is social, so visiting other groups, voting, commenting, just letting others know you like their work. Which is something, as for me I am not the most social of people!

Also congrats on the car, and wow, in the UK that's the Vauxhall Astra, and so rare today, they have gone up in value! It's a special car in many peoples eyes and minds!

Oh i can go to the UK and sell it there then!!! 😂 Here is just a good saving gas car so that was a must when buying a car in Venezuela.

And would you believe i have 0 real life friends other than my boyfriend who i met at work 😂 I'm like the least social person ever yet when you like something (I like Hive) and meet the right group of people that you just click of with it helps a lot being social.

Also comment the post that you really like the content of, that helps you just talk about the subject and not necessarily about the author of the post.

Haha, yeah it would gain interest over here that is for sure! Vauxhall stopped that model in around 91, while Daewoo made changes and kept it going, making it very much their own. So from over here, it's interesting to see it!

I feel you on the social thing, well I want to be social but something inside me goes "meh, let's go home and watch tv/play a game or something. Online has always worked better for me and Hive has become a new extension of that!

Yeah, that is spot on about commenting. I've been trying to do that on posts as I see them. Someone shared images of Italy that I really enjoyed and had to say to the person that took them that they were enjoyable to see.

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

That is an absolutely wonderful story about how you have been able to increase you're quality of life just from Hive Block Chain and blogging.

Well done, you should be proud and this car is better than a lambo. It's yours and you earned it through hard work.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is better than a Lambo as in it saves gas we consume just 1liter per 10Km so yes!!! 😂

Thank you so much 💖

Good work. You get something good of the hive. Good luck :)

Hive has given me so much i will be forever grateful

Wow! This is amazing, congratulations to you

Thank you so much!

Truth, to make it on Hive you have to socialize you have to meet the right people.

Hive getting you a car is a very good thing. It hit me when you said; it’s not a lambo but it gets places. This translates that you appreciate the little you have.

I heard about the gas issue in venezuela. Is it that bad?…

Anyways, I am happy the car makes life easier for you and your kiddo.. I am sure you would be able to get an automatic model in future.

I heard about the gas issue in venezuela. Is it that bad?

In the city im in right now you have to go make a line tonight to mark your place for next day (yes you need to sleep on your car there) to see if by the time you finally get to the gas station there is still enough gas for your car 😑

You could also buy it on the black market at 1$/Lt but my car takes 60Lts so that is a lot of money compare to the legal price of 0.30$/lt.

Is hard but at the same time nothing Venezuelans arent used to by now and we have our ways around it like always.

And yes!!! Meeting the right people gets you places!

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Congratulations on your new car @victoriabsb

Thank you! You as well have giving me opportunities in the Blockchain. so, im forever grateful ❤️

Congratulations! This is indeed inspiring especially for me a newbee on Hive. I would love to meet the right people too like you did. 😄

My recommendation as an old user the way to meet people in Hive is comment other people's posts (good comments of value not spammy) be part of the discord several activities and communities that make live on Hive, just find your niche and even tho sometimes is hard to make friends you can learn so much and accomplished so much is worth the try

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Nice car dear @victoriabsb. Congratulations for your hive journey.

Thank you so much!

Welcome 🤝

Congratulations, Victoria. An excellent achievement and one of which you are entitled to be proud! I have also built my account just through work here. I am in a situation where, at the moment, I have to power down, but at the end of each month, I look at what I need and take only that. I stop the PD for PUD and power up what I don't take. I am hoping that this will change as a few projects come on stream... The last two years have been really tough....

Again, congratulations!


Every situation is different and i have been lucky enough to have ways of earning money enough to not need to do a power down or made the decision to ask for the loan to avoid that too, but hey that Hive Power is yours and yours alone so you can power up or down as you wish not judgment. I only keep it there cause liked i said I see it as my kid savings account so for me is untouchable. Yet if he ever gets to need it im sure will do a power down.

But to tell the true im pretty excited to in the future become a whale from my posting alone imagine that! That would be a dream come true!

Exactly! I see this as a nest egg. Return on my sweat equity hahaha! It's been a godsend.

Look forward to your whaledom!

Felicidades por tu logro. La verdad que es inspirador y me llena de felicidad que estés cumpliendo tus metas. El trabajo duro da frutos.

¡Felicidades Victoria! Mereces muchos más logros de Hive. Me encanta que hayas compartido tu experiencia, es muy inspiradora y ejemplar; porque como dices hay que trabajar con enfoque y valorar las redes que existen en Hive.

No me imagino tu emoción de madre al poder facilitar el traslado con tu bebé. Espero que pronto puedas alcanzar tu próxima meta. 👏🚀

y facilitar mi llegada a culaquier meetup que se organice!!! (si conseguimos gasolina) jajajajaja gracias nena!

Me encanto poder traducir y leer tu historia , de verdad eso me da aliento en que algún día puedo ser tan buena como muchos aqui, así como tu. Comencé en el mes de mayo y hasta ahora son muchas las cosas que he podido solventar con hive. Como ya sabes que soy abogada , somos colegas y sabes que en este pais a la gente no les gusta buscar el servicio jurídico , piensan que todo debe ser un favor porque es una "simple firma" denigrando nuestros años de estudio. Yo trabajo para el sector público que es más de lo mismo en cuanto al poco ingreso. Llegar al hive fue grandioso y algún día voy a contar cómo llegue aquí. Me encantan estas Histirias motivadoras que me impulsan a seguir aprendiendo y mejorando.. muchas veces siento frustración porque son tantas cosas que aún desconozco peor debo cultivar la paciencia para ir aprendiendo cada día más. Ta abrazo gigante. @victoriabsb gracias por tanto y por mucho.

Colega! sip lo sabia, en mi caso me gradue y luego quede embarazada asi que me tome mi tiempo para ser mamá y ahora quiero retomar hacer un postgrado o algo, siento que no se nada porque aunque hice mi pasantia y si he realizado algunos tramites legales mas que todo registros de empresas, pues sabes que eso no es como que lo mas dificil de aprender y si me gustaria poder practicar mas.

Pero como tu dices la gente no le gusta pagar por nuestros servicios y si es conocido o familia peor aun, hace una semanas una cuñada me dijo "oye podrias escribirme un contrato de alquiler, que perdi el que tenia" y yo asi o.O y mas o menos cuanto me vas a pagar, la niña lo queria gratis porque somos familia. Me rehusó a trabajar de gratis es un abuso que la gente crea uno no se merece un pago por los servicios.

y Sip con paciencia y esfuerzo se llega lejos en Hive, seguro lo conseguiras!

Jaja me describes mi vida...así es la gente , yo por un tiempo ejercí. Me desempeño más en la parte laboral. Esa clase de personas no saben el abuso que cometen ( o si lo saben ) y de verdad no hay que permitirlo, que salga de nosotras no cobrar pero molesta la imposició te preocupes que eso no se olvida y ya tendrás tiempo de seguir estudiando. Mi hija @virgi2001 también estudia derecho ya le falta poco con el favor de Dios... Un saludo y abrazo también para tu nene...En hive nos dan más valor a nuestro intelecto, así que a aprovechar la ventaja que nos da la carrera, lo cual es muy importante en esta colmena : La Redacción, con eso tenemos el 50 por ciento asegurado.

Thank you for tYour final advice.. i just joined and i am still finding my way around and understanding the blockchain aspect better..i am a new mother too , getting my hands busy being a stay home mum

oh you are mom!? we have a community come join us and post there about your motherhood experience!

Hive may seem hard at first but patience and effort can get you a long way!

FELICIDADES VICTORIA, te lo mereces. Ese es mi objetivo para el próximo año.

si!!!!! comprate uno que ahorre gasolina porque aja... este es buenisimo para eso y lo otro es que aunque es viejito (1997) esta bien cuidado asi que no nos ha dado tantos problemas. Asi que mi recomendacion es comprale a alguien que sepas cuida los carros que tiene.

Hola, @victoriabsb
Realmente muy inspiradora y motivadora tu publicación. Te entiendo perfectamente porque también soy padre y vivir en Venezuela definitivamente es una montaña rusa. Lo bueno es que, gracias a Dios, estamos en esta plataforma y este tipo de testimonios dan cuenta de que con el trabajo duro y de hormiguita, poco a poco podremos avanzar y mejorar. Y eso es lo asombroso de todo, que no sólo mejoramos en nuestras habilidades o en lo económico sino que también tenemos la dicha de conocer gente tan distinta, con costumbres e idiomas tan disímiles pero que terminan convirtiéndose en una familia muy grande donde existe mucho apoyo y hermandad. Me encanta saber de este tipo de logros a través de #Hive. ¡Disfruta tu carro al máximo junto a tu familia! 😉

¡Que bonito leer una publicacion asi!
Yo estoy desde hace unos dos meses en hive, y sigo aprendiendo todos los dias, a veces me confunden muchas cosas. Sin embargo me gusta mucho! Gracias por compartir algo tan valioso!