🎂Thank you Hive for the past six years! 鏈上Hive六周年大感謝 🎈

in HIVE CN 中文社区2 years ago (edited)

source: hivebuzz

Dear Hive,

I did not realize today is my anniversary on Hive/Steem until @hivebuzz left me a message and notify me of receiving a badge: "Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 6 years!"

I can only WOW... It's been six years already, but still feels like yesterday. However, if you really go through what had happened in the last six years, the conclusion might change "it's only been six years!? not sixteen!?" 😄 Indeed so many had happened and not without drama.

KOLs come and go. Rule changing forks. New upgrades. New DAPPs or games. On chain ICOs. Dan leaving. Whales flagging wars. Innovative experiments. News headlines. Versatile posts. Users from around the globe with 24/7 updating. Crypto information and opinions. Layer 2 community booming. INC sellout drama. Community vs APRG2WTO SUN. Birth of Hive. 20% APR HBD ... the list can go on and on.

I am not really an active member in terms of involving public affairs or giving out opinions. More like a blogger mostly writing about my life, part of which is crypto, in our cosy and warm CN community. But I've always been following the latest events or projects on Hive. It's much more than a joyful journey - it's a life changing one.

Literally I can say that my crypto journey starts here. This chain has given me so much - knowledge, inspiration, excitement, friendship, and tokens of course 😊. The money part is really sweet, thanks to all my supporters you know who you are 😉. I cannot say just yet that Hive has given my financial freedom, but hopefully I can say that after another 6 years!? 😄

What I really appreciate the most, something that has not changed at all during the past six years, is that I can just sit in front of my computer and connect in a really meaningful way with so many passionate and talented like-minded human beings from all over the world! This to me is the biggest selling point of Hive.

At the end, I wish that all of us together can continue to make this chain, this community and this journey so unique and remarkable in the human history. As long as we keep building and innovating, it will be documented as it's all ... on chain! 😉🤝🥂🌕






我們回頭來看看過去這六年,最大的事,我認為就是太陽公公出來了造成Hive鏈的誕生,這比起兩位創辦人相繼離開要更具有對鏈的宏大影響(當然啦,第二位的離開跟這件事本身是相關聯的)。其他的大事,隨便列舉,大概包括:幾次分叉升級對於獎勵規則的改變,尤其是HF19;Steem Engine帶動第二層社區與代幣發展;Splinterlands遊戲的空前成功;次社區的發展... 等等。技術性的我比較無法評論,就不多說。

在Hive/Steem上的六年,我一共發了2,609篇文章,這一篇會是第2,610篇。一共得到超過1萬5千次的留言回覆,累計得到了10萬顆代幣... 只能說~~~ 哇!哇!哇!這裡面有太多感謝難以言盡,有太多熱情難以回報,有太多友誼期盼可以永久... 代幣們... 我其實都盡量不賣的。

感謝每一個你。或許好多的你,已經離開這鏈,或許還潛水觀看,或許已經完全放下,每每想到許多離開的朋友,就覺得很可惜,每一位都是現實中可能變成朋友的人哪!當然更重要的是還在這裡的你們,點讚的你,讀文章的你,回文的你,轉發的你... 區塊鏈社交媒體,原來都是你。只有人,才是本。Hive的誕生,昭告了這個最根本的道理。

365*6 = 2,190 我剛剛才去按計算機的。






Happy Hive Birthday 劉美女 😊

謝謝喔~~~ 😘

Being here for 6 years is a very long time and I believe there has been up and down yet you still survived till now.

On that note I say a big congratulations to you.
And I wish you more success

thank you! all the best with your Hive experience too! 😄

@tipu curate



Happy Hive Birthday @deanliu

thanks arcange, great to have hivebuzz with us every moment! 🥂😉

happy birthday :) 每次讀你的文章都會學到新東西。寫得太好了


Congratulations!! It does feel like it’s been forever and no time at all at the same time. I’m constantly amazed by how regularly you continue to write and post. I hope all is well!

wow! did not expect to see your comment. 😆 good to see you start posting again! Those days when we were talking about project ideas were like in the dreams now... haha... But I still remember the excitement though. Hope one day we can have the momentum to initiate another project again. :P

I post regularly mostly due to a steady support I've got and to the strong vitality this community has shown.

Hey I saw you are using actifit. Maybe you can check out Aglet as well. It's an interesting app too. I wrote a few posts in the past: https://peakd.com/created/agletsgo One thing that a rug pull cannot take it away from you is the health you accumulate through moving. 😄

All in all, happy to see you around. 😀

It was exciting, wasn’t it? And it does seem like a long time ago. We’re old Blockchain men now. 😂

I stopped posting for a while because of getting busier in other areas of my life. I’d like to start posting more regularly again. It’s just a matter of getting back into a routine that includes writing.

If you have any projects in mind that need an artist or graphic designer, I’d love to hear the details. That’s the area I’m trying to push myself into these days. Do people still chat and plan and dream and all of that on Discord? Is there a Hive Chat like there used to be a Steemit Chat?

I’ll look into Aglet. I’ve seen it mentioned here and there in posts. Do you recommend it over Actifit?

Old blockchain men... hmmm, sounds fancy and obsolete at the same time lol...

Blogging on Hive nowadays is a bit different from the old days. When you were writing daily Japan intro posts, Steem was like a huge global platform and people's reading habit was more versatile. Now, maybe due to the emergence of (sub)communities, the whole system is more like what this post describes. So you may not gain the support like you had if you write those exquisite Japan intro posts again. I guess.

Steemit Chat was long gone. There is a Hive discord. https://discord.gg/wxuQhHV7 I am in there but seldom check messages there. Not sure if there are other more active chat groups. If there is, it's not hard to find, just not from me as I kind of just blog and reply everyday, know the latest development from trending posts kind of status... :)

Art and graphic, great! IF I ever initiate any project, I will let you know. Lots of ideas, but lack of developers and time to make it happen... XD

I haven't used Actifit yet. It looks really simple so I don't understand why people use it. Rewards are great or what!? Aglet's App obviously is more fun and visually nice to use. Is there any good post or link you recommend to understand Actifit quickly!? I am considering joining STEPN recently if the price is not too dramatic...

That’s an interesting post that you linked me to. A lot of what he says makes sense.

I wasn’t paying much attention when the communities emerged, so I don’t really understand how I’m supposed to label my posts these days. And to be honest, I haven’t quite figured what I want to write about or how I want to write.

As I said, I’m trying to pursue art and design, so I want to share what I’m working on and producing, but I haven’t settled on a way to document and share the process. My schedule and obligations are a bit all over the place these days, so I really need to have a formula of some sort to easily work with.

Regarding Actifit, I don’t know why people use it. I think it might just have a strong community of users who starting using it when it first emerged three or four years ago. The interface isn’t any good, and there’s really nothing to it, but if you’ve acquired stake in it, it makes sense to keep building a bigger stake.

I had acquired 6,000 tokens before my hiatus, and having started spending time in the ecosystem again, I just figured that I might as well keep adding to my token pile by writing a post about something that I want to while documenting my fitness at the same time. It kills two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Aglet sounds much nicer. I haven’t tried using it yet, but having read the app description, I’m interested to give it a try.


謝謝你囉! 😊


感謝有你啊~~~ winnie 😊

you are in the right track

we all are. 😉

Congratulations and happy 6th birthday to you here in hive. I knew during the journey there were lots of trials and congratulations because you made it here.
Hopefully, I will also make it to be in this platform that long. ☺️
More birthday's to come here in hive. 🤗

Definitely. Stick it out and eventually we will see the sunshine. Or moon. 😆

Hihihi and might be whole universe 😅




友哥吉祥~~~ 😁

👍刘美女一直在陪伴着hive 希望下个六年我还在

沒問題,大家相互陪伴,走一輩子! 🤜🤛

6 岁啦:)🎉。好多收获呀。👍

滿滿的,都滿出來了~~~ 但想要更多~~~ 😆

哇!哇!🌠🌠刘美美六周年了!!🍾🥂🍻🎆🎆🎆棒棒哒!6️⃣周年生日快乐!🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎉 接下来的周年更是六六大顺🪅🪅🪅发发发💰💰💰🥳🥳🥳


感謝萍萍總是帶來歡樂呢~~~ 繼續加油囉~~~ 🍾🥂🍻🎆🎆🎆 🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎉 💰💰💰🥳🥳🥳 (複製貼上真方便😅😅🤣🤣)



寫英文總是會正經起來咩~~~ 哈哈


這根本不值一題啊,太小的事啦~~~ 改天我跟你借個一萬顆HBD你一定要記住當年這件深重的恩情啊


完全不會,我來沒多久就一直不停跑馬燈跑到現在,要換一下布幕就是了 XD


我就只會hive,其他的世界,帶我去闖吧,姊姊~~~ 👀



我就只會hive,其他的世界,帶我去闖吧,姊姊~~~ 👀

不怕跌倒的話,手牽手一起闖喔 🤣😂

nice cake