Snow ❄ | 雪 ⛄

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It has been snowing here for a couple of days, which is quite rare in April. Is this the Easter or Christmas time? ;) Though pretty cold, I found it nice and peaceful. Here are some photos I took today and earlier this year. Let's enjoy the white world~

暖和了几星期后,大家刚打算开始拥抱春天,不料这两天竟然飘起雪来,真怀疑我这是活在四月呀~ 当地人都说复活节的时候还下雪已经很多年没见过了。虽然外面冷得我瑟瑟发抖,白茫茫一片也别有一番韵味。这些是我今天和年初在雪里拍的照片:

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All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica


Crazy weather here in Krakow too! Heavy snowfalls, rain, wind and sunshine changing like 100x times each day in totally random order :D Impossible to dress right! :D

Haha yeah... so you are in Poland now, cool, you have been living around a lot it seems! :)

Well, we have been pretty much stuck here but it eventually turned out to be quite a nice place to spend some of the pandemic time. Just missing the sea and tropical vibes :D How about you Donica?

I see. I had an impression that you lived by the sea in Mexico and Portugal. The covid started just after I came back from a long Asian trip crossing 2019 and 2020, so I didn't travel out of Europe last year... But I've been enjoying it - too much moving around before ;)


嗯 昨晚堆了个小雪人 这诗好有意思 最后那句尤其生动 哈哈

it is all just crazy. it was 20C + just week ago, now there is 10cm of snow outside 🤷‍♂

True,haha... Long time no see! How are you doing recently? Busy with photography projects?

projects going slow. i tell my self i am waiting for nice weather :)
i am in the faze of photographing friends children :)

overall i can't really complain.

how you doing?

Can't complain either... because of the covid, I have more time to sort through loads of visuals I shot before =)




我说将来好吗 不要搞笑来破坏这篇萧索物哀的氛围😆


🤣够了 盖楼+喜剧之王 我墙都不扶就服你


是啊 你那里还冷吗


那跟这边差不多 我看法国很多葡萄园遭遇霜冻最近在抢救
