Baby E’s First Report From School | BB E 第一次收學校成績表

Hi Everyone / 大家好,

This year is Baby E’s first year in ‘big school’ aka kindy class. He is one of the youngest in his year which we knew when we enrolled him but day care said he is ready and will be bored if we held him back. As he is one of the youngest kid in his year, I have been worried he is going to cope with the older and bigger kids. We got his report card for Semester 1 and enclosed was a self reflection card he filled out himself. His report card was great and I’m grateful he is doing well in all areas in particular maths according to his teacher as his stronger subject. He is at least 9 months younger than most kids in his year so being able to be on par with them is a great start.

今年是 BB E 讀 K班的第一年. 開學之前我們已經知道他會是全級裡是其中年紀比較細的學生.上年我們聽幼稚園班老師的意見,他們都覺得 Baby E 應該可以讀K班. 因為他年紀比較小,開學到現在我每天都有一點擔心害怕上堂時跟不上而且害怕其他小朋友嫌他年紀小不跟他玩.上半年的成績表結果非常滿意尤其是數學他的程度比同班的小朋友好一點.他雖然細其他同學大概九個月但進度比我預期想像中更好

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What makes happy is I can see how we plays well with his friends. He has many friends and this has also reflected on his self reflection card. First he decided to draw himself inside the circle with a yellow shirt which is similar to his school uniform colour. The first question was “I have enjoyed …”. I’m so glad he enjoyed playing with his friends and this is reflected by how he wants to go to school every day. Love the picture of all his besties in the box.

最讓我開心就是他有好多朋友這一點可以從他對自己上半年的想法看到. 首先他在圓圈中間畫了自己穿上一件黃色上衣因為這個是校服的顏色. 第一題老師問‘你最喜歡是什麼'.他寫的就是同他朋友玩,在下面的框框裡面畫上跟朋友一起玩的公仔。 我覺得這幅圖非常可愛因為可以代表他有好多朋友而且每一個都有一個燦爛的笑容,大家都玩得好開心.

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The second question is “I show confidence when …” This one I was actually surprised he mentioned reading books and doing his sight words. My hubby does a great job doing home readers each day and going through the sight words each morning while I make his recess and lunch. I would have expected he wrote he was confidence in sport or building blocks in this category so I guess we have unconsciously given him this confidence by doing the home readers every day. This is first of many milestones and it’s exciting to see him enjoy school so much. He loves his teachers, peers and school and we look forward to an exciting 6 months ahead.

第二題就是問他'最有信心是什麼'. 我沒有想到他竟然是寫讀書本和練習生字表. 這個是因為我老公每一天早上他會跟讀一本書和練習生字表. 其實我以為他會寫對運動或玩積木有信心但我們每天的習慣原來不知不覺給他對讀書有信心. 看見他那麼喜歡他的老師,朋友而且想每天返學我知道他很喜歡這間學校。我下半年他會發掘在學校裡可以找到更多興趣.



animation by @catwomanteresa

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