Travelgirl Harvest First Garlics | Travelgirl 的蒜頭收成

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

Remember I grew some garlic back when COVID19 started in our small garden. I’ve never grown garlic before so I read online you can try them from a clove of garlic so I thought I’ll give it a go. Did my thing and there were doubts because I was thinking how can 1 clove of garlic can grow another big full one. Anyways, I need to try it in case I can’t get to the shops if COVID19 turned worse in Sydney.

還記得疫情開始的時候我開始種了一些蒜頭. 我之前都沒有種過東西但上網看見蒜頭比較容易種所以想試試會不會成功. 網上的程序是拿一粒蒜頭當做種子然後等大概6個月就可以有收成.

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Let me show you the beginning of how it all started. I started to grow the garlic cloves in water first until its sprouted ready to put into soil. Along side with the onion, buried them into soil spacing them out around 10cm each clove. I literally put in a clove of garlic in the soil and started watering it daily.

先讓你們看看開頭是怎樣的. 一粒一粒蒜頭放在泥土之後就每天都淋水,盡量都會清理周邊的雜草希望蒜頭可以慢慢長


3 weeks later, it started sprouting higher like shallots. I guess I was doing the right thing, growing is better than not growing right. And again I continue to water it daily to ensure it has plenty of water and sun. I was working hard trying to get my plants up to speed and really we couldn’t go out during lockdown so it was a good learning period for me as I never grown anything before.

三個星期之後就出了一些好似蔥的葉子. 看見這個進度應該代表蒜頭長得不錯. 我每天都淋水同有機會去施肥,加上太陽比較猛所以對花草樹木都好.

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Another 6 weeks has gone by and it has grown heaps! It looked like a bunch of veggies already! I know it is not ready but can tell it is doing well. This around May so its around 2 months since planting. I was pretty confidence I can get something at least from these plants. The weather was getting cold in May so there was the uncertainty some may fail.

再過六星期可以看見這些綠葉子已經長得很高證明蒜頭長得應該不錯. 這個時間差不多是五月中所以種了這些蒜頭已經兩個多月.看見現在的成績我都有少少信心四至六個月後應該有一些收成. 因為開始踏入冬天害怕寒冷天氣會改變蒜頭成長的進度.

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Fast forward 4 months, the garlic is now ready by the looks of the colour of the leaves. I read online when the outside leaves are turning brown, it is time to get them out and I can actually see the garlic popping out from the soil. I got the first one, smell nice but a bit wonky. Got a few more and one or two of them looks just right! They smell soooooo nice!! The purple species of garlic are a bit more expensive at the shops so I am glad it turned out well. Now I have them hanging outside our place to dry so I can store them for longer over the next few weeks/months. I’ve still got some more to harvest but I am not sure if they are ready yet, will report on them next week if they are good to go!

劉個月後的今天看見這些綠葉已經開始變黃證明蒜頭應該可以採摘.於是我拿起兩個蒜頭看看進度,一拿起來已經聞到很香和濃的蒜頭味. 這些紫色品的種蒜頭在超市裏面現在賣得比較貴所以長得那麼好已經很滿意. 現時有幾個蒜頭在家外面曬乾希望可以保存幾個月才用.我的花園裏還有一些還未好所以下個星期應該更有更多收成跟大家分享

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animation by @catwomanteresa

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Manually curated by ackhoo from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

What you going to do with it?
Garlic bread or hang there to ward of evil?

cook with it la .... wait for it to dry first and then store it (see if it will be successful first hahaha)

waahhahaa i remember the movies we used to watch when I was young using garlic to get rid of the chinese zombies

ward off the vampires. 😎