Travelgirl Makes Cantonese Sponge Cake | Travelgirl 第一次做馬拉糕 ~

Hi Everyone

A few days ago, I read a post by @wanderwithtwo making the Cantonese sponge cake so I decided to give it a go. I had most ingredients at home but just not confident making cakes from scratch. I took our the small amount of baking gear I have at home started to measure everything.

前幾天看見 @wanderwithtwo 在家做馬拉糕所以都想今個週末試一試.剛好家裡有齊主要材料但我好少做蛋糕所以信心不大.再用有限的焗蛋糕設備我第一樣要做的就是良好每一樣材料.



The ingredients I used were:

2 eggs
100g flour
130ml evaporated milk
45g brown sugar
40g white sugar
25g cornflour
4g bicarb soda
6g baking powder
20ml vegetable oil


100g 麵粉
130ml 花奶
45g 紅糖
40g 砂糖
25g 粟粉
4g 蘇打粉
6g 發粉
20g 菜油

Lots of whisking and making sure everything blended together. Rather than mixing the flour and dry ingredients in, you need to fold it. Not sure how that is done so off I go and watched a few clips on YouTube. Once all the folding is done, I placed a baking paper in the bowl and poured the content in. I left it there sitting for 30 minutes and then in it goes.

先把所有粉類混合起來後再過篩. 然後打蛋再慢慢加糖,繼續打到有泡泡為止. 之後就加花奶和油. 最後就把粉類拌入蛋中慢慢拌勻. 做好就要把蛋漿倒入盤裡, 用大火蒸40-45分鐘.

IMG_3783 2.JPG





It rose nicely and looked awesome for the first sponge cake I’ve made from scratch. The boys loved it! I probably will try and change a few little things to see if I can make it better next time! Not bad for the first go.

哇,好香啊!第一次做真的已經合格. 我家兩個小朋友都好喜歡吃. 下一次我會調整一點材料,看看又什麼可以做的更好. 第一次做的馬拉糕真的不錯!




animation by @catwomanteresa

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

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you come to Sydney i make for you .... i don't have a kneading machine so can't do many 麵包. I can't bake really just very simple stuff

As long as your boys and hubby love it... That is all that matters... 😀

I'm a sucker for sponge cake and this looks delicious

I'm a sucker for sponge cake and this looks delicious

