Travelgirl's Seedling Growth Report | Travelgirl 在家種蔬菜的進度

Hi Everyone

A few weeks ago I started growing my second batch of crops hope I could get some nice crops but 3-4 weeks in, they aren’t looking as great as I hoped. The reason is its very cold here in Sydney with lots of rain those weeks when I started planting them so I had kept them indoors most of the time. Finally we get a few days of sun I have just left them outside hoping we could chase up lost time. Just a recap, i grew radish, spinach, chives and dwarf beans.

幾個星期前我開始種了新一組蔬菜. 3-4 個星期之後進度未如理想. 悉尼天氣最近非常寒冷而且幾個星期前不停下雨所以沒有陽光讓這些種子成長. 剛好這一周太陽非常好所以就放在外面希望可以追回之前失去的時間. 今次種的蔬菜是蘿蔔,菠菜,韭菜和豆

The seedlings to the radish, spinach and chives are growing too slow. They have been left on the stairwell outside under the covers with little sun but that was the only place I could put all the containers unfortunately. I wonder how people grow seedlings in winter ….



Here are my beans which are doing very well upstairs. There is plenty of sun and gets plenty of water when it rains which is needed for beans to grow at that stage. I planted 5 seeds but only 4 have emerged and I’m hoping the 5th one will come out but by the looks of it, it may not. I may just plant another seed in tomorrow and let it grow out itself.

這些是我幾棵豆的進展. 因為長期放在樓上太陽好的時候對這些種子非常有幫助. 我種了五粒種子但好像有一粒係還沒有長出來. 明天我應該會放新一粒種子到空的位置看看可不可以種多一棵豆樹


Below are the shallots which I grew of scraps. They are doing so well, 6 months in and it is grow fast and strong. I normally give it a haircut once a week and it will grow all back the follow week. Great way not to buy any shallots anymore from the shops.

在豆隔離我種了一些蔥. 這六個月以來這些蔥長得非常快而且越種越好.每一周我都會幫蔥 ‘剪頭髮’所以每一個星期都有收成. 在家裡種蔥非常方便而且現在蔥比較貴所以可以慳一點錢和可知道這些蔥一定是新鮮的.



animation by @catwomanteresa

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

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蔥很好種,又實用! 檸檬樹如果有種起來,也很棒~~~~ 😁

蔥很好種,又實用! 檸檬樹如果有種起來,也很棒~~~~ 😁

蔥很好種,又實用! 檸檬樹如果有種起來,也很棒~~~ 😁

yes we have a lemon tree too .... it was planted by the old owners so 今個春/夏天應該會有收成

@Tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 14/21)

thanks so much!! :)

"今次種的蔬菜是蘿蔔,菠菜,韭菜和豆" - 哇,你也开始种菜啦,非常棒啊!