What Travelgirl Have Learnt From The Kids | Travelgirl 從小朋友身上學到的東西

Hi Everyone / 大家好,

As a parent, you want your kids to learn the good parts of you. But have you thought about learning something from them? I’ve always had a vision my kids is a blank piece of paper and what I do reflect how they act in life. I did fail to identify that due to how they are bought up, they have also developed their own thoughts and personality that I could learn from as well. I don’t think I am a perfect parent but I do my best to raise them both. Reflecting back, I have actually learnt a few things from them from playing games, being more patient and enjoy simple things in life.

自從做了父母之後我希望自己的子女看我好的方面學習。 但你有沒有想過其實你可以在子女身上學到一點東西呢?我之前忽略這個想法但是原來自己漸漸已經從他們身上學了好多自己以前有但忘記了的東西.


My kids love games. I think most kids does. What I don’t like is them always playing games but in fact, some of these games are great for them. Say for Pokemon, there are battles but it has encouraged baby E to read the instructions, rules and results. So rather than a straight “no gaming”, we make sure we actually sit there an explain and read everything with them. I know sounds weird that you are encouraging gaming but that is not really the case if they are learning something on top of relaxing at the same time. It also allows him to interact with friends at school as apparently many of them knows Pokemon and they would make new friends because they like the same characters. I know parents that don’t allow their kids to do anything enjoyable and they are all cooped up and don’t have anything common with their peers.

我兩個小朋友非常喜歡打電動但大多數我都會說不可以因為覺得對他們沒有益處。 但原來發覺他們一邊玩一邊其實可以學到好多東西例如怎樣讀遊戲規則,人物等等. BB E 現在開始讀好多教科書所以這些另類的生字對他有幫助. 另外他玩電動可以跟朋友交談,所以返學的時候都非常開心. 我有一些朋友不讓小朋友認識外面的東西只看書本但發現在學校一點朋友都沒有因為他們都談不上這些卡通人物所以我明白到讓他們玩一些其實是可以的.

When they are not having screen time / 不玩電動的時候


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This brings me to learning to patient. My personality isn’t a patient person. My job doesn’t allow that either and everything is fast pace. When the kids came along, I have to be patient and remind myself things don’t always go to plan. The kids could have their moments and that will screw up the timing of many things planed for the day but patience is the key. I used to scold them but really they are kids, they don’t know what they have done wrong. Now I just make sure I get all the minimal things done, and let them be in their zone so we all can do our things peacefully.

從他們身上我已學到耐性.我的個性和我工作的關係讓我做事比較急但有小朋友之後就會有一些耐性因為小朋友是‘天氣先生’,要看他們當天的心情所以好多時候安排了的東西都沒有達到目標或做好. 以前的我就會好生氣但現在我的要求會降低,比他們多一點耐性大家都會開心一點.

Last but not least, I have learnt that simple things can be fun. A stick in the garden can turn into a pencil and use it to draw on the soil. A bottle can be used to water the garden. The other day I was walking to the shops with baby M and he pointed to the ground saying “Mummy, Baby M”. Then he started doing silly things so he could change his shadow. Something so simple already got him excited and we were there for 10 minutes doing silly things and taking photos. Kids are great, they are easily satisfied and I need to learn from them. As adults, we strive for many things which is fine but at the same time, look around where simple things can also be fun.

最後我明白到簡單亦可以好開心.有一天跟 BB M 在外面散步,他看見自己的影子覺得好好玩. 之後他就站在同一個位置做不同的動作而好開心地跟我說這個影子遊戲非常之好玩。 我看見他就覺得這些東西其實沒有什麼大不了但在他們的世界裡覺得新奇,好玩.看見一些咁簡單的東西或動作讓他那麼開心就學識到原來簡單也可以好快樂.




animation by @catwomanteresa

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

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All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted.


I remember when I was young, we would use leaves that’s fallen on the ground and pebbles and treat it as imaginary money when pretending to have a supermarket. We would be “selling” sticks 😂. We made games out of coconut shells as well. All these were simple but great fun and until today we appreciate those memories and days without screen time and toys ☺️ It’s great to see your kids enjoying the little things in life as well!

Sometimes I do wonder why we need to spend so much money on toys for kids, creativity and imagination os the best for them


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The shadow picture is super cute. Kids are very lucky in this era and should appreciate the simple things around them

Exactly and sometimes they don't appreciate these things as they should be.


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I am 27 years old and i am not a parent.
I do have a 6 year old nephew though.

I can that we can learn a lot from kids. I thing that they have and what we adults dont have is the fear of being judged.
They just be themselves , do silly things.
Don't worry about it.
Something we forget after we grow up.

Really enjoyed reading this blog!

Yes you are correct, let them be and they will enjoy life and at the same time we learn from them and be one happy family lol

Thanks for coming by!


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