“Wearing Glasses 眼鏡をかける” [English and Japanese]

in Hive JPlast year


“Wearing Glasses”

I always wanted to get my new glasses in Japan because there are many pretty designs at opticians in department stores. I have had astigmatism issues for a long time. I needed to wear glasses or contacts for driving or eye tests.

However, I didn't need to wear glasses for my daily living. I made contacts before but I didn't like them. I wanted to wear not round but not square shaped frames glasses. Additionally, not black, not clear, not dark brown, or not vivid. I found very simple-looking brown bekko colour glasses which have round bottoms and are a bit square-looking shaped on the top. These are called Ayame. I attached a cool Ayame’s video below. I decided very quickly as soon as I saw these. My decision is often quite quick once I feel something.

I think I can wear these for many years because they look very simple but cool. I liked the optician’s professional customer service style. I was amazed by Japanese customer service in Japan. They were very polite and professional. The optician said he loves glasses very much. I often feel happy with someone who loves their job.

Anyway, I enjoy wearing these glasses when I do my desk work, artwork, or reading.






About Ayame Glasses, Ayameについてはコチラ: http://www.ayame-id.jp/

My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1/home



ノバスコシアの眼鏡屋さんで眼鏡は作りたくないなー(なんか適当にされそうで怖いので 失礼。でも本音です 笑)と思って日本で作るのを長年待っていました。

私もそろそろ老眼が気になる年齢なのですが、幸いすでに目が悪くて日中ほとんどメガネをかけているので老眼なのかなんなのかわからず、いいのか悪いのかです 😅

そうなんですよね。わたしも自分の視力についてよくわからなくて、日本で調べてもらったら安心感がありました。コチラの地元の販売スタイルは結構な値段なのに、雑というか適当さが心配で。笑 自分の知識が少なくてよくわからない物は日本で買いたいなと思いました。


すてきなメガネですね!Koto-artさんの雰囲気が伝わってくる気がします :)

多分海外在住日本人、特に欧米あるあるだと思うのですが、ドイツの特に若者向けのメガネは顔が小さくて鼻が高い人向けで私に合わない・・・という私にはかかけられないことが多いです。今かけているメガネはその前に日本で作ったものが壊れて急遽こちらで作ったのですが、老若男女向けのお店で作りました 😅


ありがとうございます^_^ 母がこのブランドを教えてくれたのですが、お店でこの眼鏡を見た時一目惚れでした。

そうなんですよねー。おっしゃる通り、なんとなく和風の顔に合う眼鏡が見つからないですよね。安いサングラスは気にせずかけていますが、さすがに毎日使う眼鏡はきちんと合うものが欲しいですよね。日本で買いたい物がたくさんありすぎます。コチラでは3、4件位お店を回ってもおしいというか。こんなに物にあふれているのに欲しいものがないというか。笑 日本の職人さんのこだわりの素晴らしさに気付かされます。

That's an interesting design. I hope it works well for you!

I used to prefer contacts but it seems like I many astigmatism issues too, so if I read for more than a few minutes while wearing contacts, my vision gets all out of focus and it leads to a headache. So as a result I have to wear glasses. I like the horn-rimmed look. Maybe next time I will try a design like that.

Oh, you also have astigmatism issues as well?! I don’t like headaches too.

I never thought about buying nice-fitting glasses before. I thought “I don’t mind to wear cheap cool-looking one” before. However, I couldn’t find nice ones in my area here even they are not cheap. Then, I decided to get them in Japan! I enjoyed shopping in Japan! Shop assistants are very polite and helpful!

Service in Japan is definitely much better than anywhere else. They are so polite and that gives a good feeling to the situation. I hate shopping in the US, but in Japan I enjoy it. Well, I don't like when it's busy, but the shops and shop clerks make the situation much nicer.

In the future if you need to buy soon but can't come back to Japan, you might try these guys: https://www.warbyparker.com/. You pick out 5 frames to try and they send them to your house. If you don't like any, you send them back and pick 5 more. There is no clerk to help you, so that's a bad point, but if you don't have a good glasses store nearby, it's a nice service.

Arigatou!!! It looks nice. Yeah, when I need to buy glasses next time, this website would be a great option for me if I can’t go to Japan!