“Zoom vs Skype, ZoomかSkype か” Getting Used to WFH... リモートワークに慣れてきた今日この頃…

in Hive JP4 years ago (edited)


“Zoom vs Skype”


How is your remote work situation? I am trying and developing my comfortable remote work environment since we have COVID19 and am still discovering. It’s not perfect though. However, I am on a different stage from my first remote work stage. @yoshiko shared about Zoom meetings before. Please visit her page below if you like.

First, I was using Skype for my remote work in March because I am familiar with the Skype system. Yet, I was curious about Zoom because I used it for my workshop in 2017. I remember that Zoom meeting was very smooth and comfortable at that time. However, I never became a host at that time.

When I was just about switching to Zoom from Skype in April, there was a security scandal and issues for Zoom. However, I practiced and started using Zoom for my work. So far so good. I haven’t had any issues with Zoom yet. Their security system is improved I guess. I never shared my Meeting ID with everyone who is a tentative participant.

For my work situation, I often share my screen to show images, data, documents, videos, white board, games, and more. The Zoom screen share setting is very useful. I often connect my phone and iPad to my laptop and share with my students. Also, I can share the screen of my phone easily. The Skype screen sharing setting is ok but if I switch it often, the screen freezes. At this point, Zoom is more useful for me.

There are more options for remote work like Teams or Webex. I haven’t tried these yet but if I have a chance, I would like to try them too. I also want to try good PowerPoint applications someday soon. Please let me know if you know nice PowerPoint applications!

Since I switched to remote work, of course I miss meeting and working with people face to face. However, I found my comfortable work setting now so I would like to maintain my comfortable remote work environment more and more little by little especially for safety and health.






Teams やWebexといった別のオプションもありますね。わたしはまだこれらは使った事がないのですが、機会があればチャレンジしてみたいです。それからいいパワーポイントのアプリも近々探したいです。どなたかいいパワーポイントアプリをご存知の方は教えてください。


Image from: difference between.net
Sourceソース: http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-zoom-and-skype/

@yoshiko about Zoom @yoshikoさんのZOOMについての投稿はコチラ:

My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1


Please check @handballanalysis blog too! コチラの@handballanalysisさんの投稿も合わせてご覧くださいhttps://hive.blog/hive-105425/@handballanalysis/myhvb





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