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RE: An hour and a half locked in the living room😂 / リビングに閉じ込められた1時間半

in Hive JPlast year


How terrible! Thank goodness your children were with you, otherwise the anguish would have been even greater.
Something similar happened to me. My son and I were locked in and his dad was locked out of the room. We couldn't open the door from either side, until we managed to open it after an hour's struggle.
And right in that same room, my aunt was trapped, but she was alone and I was already out of the country, but she still called me in the middle of an anxiety crisis.
We had to call the neighbors and luckily, one of them had a copy of the key to her house, so we could get in to help her.


Wow, same here! Your aunt was saved by a neighbor. This time, we too were saved by the repairmen, and in our eyes, they were heroes!

You guys were able to unlock the door, good. We were not able to unlock by using plastic cards, wire hangers, or anything else. I shudder to think what would have happened if my cell phone had been left in another room😱😱😱Let's be careful with each other!