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RE: “Old Memories, Piano Lessons 昔の思い出、ピアノレッスン” [English and Japanese]

in Hive JPlast year

Your mother was a piano teacher? And you played the piano too? That's nice 😍
I am a piano teacher and my son listened to my playing and teaching already before he was born, but when he was 5, he decided that the violin will be his instrument. He also had piano lessons these years, but with another teacher. Now, when he doesn't have it as a subject anymore, he enjoys playing the piano, and asks me for advice if he gets stuck :)) But his main instrument is still the violin.


Thank you for sharing your nice story with your son. Your story is similar to my story with my mother. Yes, my mother was a piano teacher and I played the piano. Your son is practicing the violin and also is playing the piano right? That sounds very cool. It is so cool that your son asks your advice!