I Wish You Knew...

in Speak Peace4 years ago


I wish you knew,
that the girl you left to drown
has grown to be a mermaid.
The beggar you refused to help,
has become the robber in society.

The orphan you didn't care for,
has grown to disrupt the peace of the society,
the help you refused to offer,
when coercion was absent,
is the help you now offer with fear and trembling.

The stomach you refused to feed,
has become the rat in your food store,
eating and drinking to stupor,
at the expense of your budget,
yet you know not.

Make hay while the sun shines,
help that orphan, feed the hungry,
together, let's drive societal crimes afar,
let's build a crime-free and just society.

I wish you know that those you refuse to help,
will torment you in the future.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order


Wow I love this one ooo.
Nuisance are every where because of the neglect.
May God help us to me a voice to many

My ever charming smiling Glo! How have you been? I am always excited to read from you. Keep smiling.

Amen to the prayer.

Thanks sir. Good to hear from you.

Wow that's such a beautiful piece. If only people could care about others as much as they care about themselves, this world would be a better place.

Brilliant comment. Yes...greed and selfishness has eaten so deep into so many people which is why they show little or no consideration for others.

I just hope we all see things in a new light.

I really hope so too. The more we do, the better for all of us.