The World Needs You.

in Speak Peace4 years ago


Heal the world with your kindness
The world could use your goodness
The world is getting used to pain
We can stem the tide and be the rain
Reach out to another and never refrain
Be gentle and kind when you try to remove the stain
Don’t be too proud because you have bread
Always remember, someone owns a bakery.
Another soul around you could use your tenderness
Life is about choices and also about sacrifices
Focus on the good you can do and not the ill vices
We must ring it so loud, our kindness and voices
Nobody can make it out here all alone so stop the noises
This isn’t just about us but about our collective choices
Life wasn’t designed for us to live in isolation
The law of love we neglect and that is a big violation
Tend another person’s wound and soothe it
You don’t know if their whole life depends on it
It costs us a lot but life is about risking things
The satisfaction that comes with helping is exciting
Life is in phases and we are all at different stages
The person down today, with persistence, will rise
Mend weary and broken hearts on your way up
Be a channel that others can bounce on to turn up

The world needs healing. We all need help. The world is changing from what we are used to, and it is our duty to change the order of things. We are here for a while, we should do some good while we are here. This is what gives meaning to life, making another person better off than we met them. It should spread. When we have been blessed, we should also bless another. We should be a channel, not just a container. As you have received, touch another. Every little bit helps.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order


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