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RE: 🎵 “In The Now” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 104

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago

Delightful! Thank you. Sure feels good to begin knowing you. I'm grateful for the music, for introducing us. Happy we have this place to deepen our knowing through the expression and connection that music makes possible.

¡Encantador! Gracias. Seguro que se siente bien empezar a conocerte. Estoy agradecido por la música, por presentarnos. Felices tenemos este lugar para profundizar nuestro conocimiento a través de la expresión y conexión que la música hace posible.


what a beautiful answer, 🌸🧘🏾🌸🙏mirror.
happy to find someone with such beautiful energy
grateful that by flowing in the muse we were able to connect through it,🎶🎶🌸🙏🌸🎶

by flowing in the muse we are able to connect through it

Ah, I feel that! My happy heart honors you and your words too, friend.