Hive Open Mic Week 122 – Persahabatan (Original Song) by IndonesiaBersatu

in Hive Open Mic2 years ago (edited)

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Hello brothers and sisters, we are Indonesia Bersatu, a punk rock band from Medan city Indonesia, we are back again at the 122nd weekly #openmic music event. This week's theme is “Emotion”. Which was chosen by our great friend, @sunsethunter From New Zealand. This is a very interesting theme.

From this theme, we all agree that emotion is a response that comes to us for feelings that occur in certain situations or when we meet important people in our lives, then our feelings will respond instantly. For example, when walking alone at night, suddenly there is a growling sound like a monster, and then the feeling that arises immediately is fear. Then when we suddenly meet a long-lost friend, our feelings will respond with surprise.

Emotions will be a reflection of the state of one's soul, it will also be seen in physical changes. For example, someone who is angry will show a flushed face, muscles will tighten, and breath becomes rushed. Even the energy in his body increased. Unlike animals, humans have emotions not to survive, but human emotions can be an energy generator that can provide power to help other living things and other human lives. Emotions can also be messengers in the life we live. Therefore, from this emotional theme, we made a song entitled “Persahabatan” in English “Friendship”.

Original song lyrics;

“Hey kawan coba dengarkan
Kisah ini tentang kami
Bersahabat setia bersama
Berjanji kan selalu melawan dunia

Perjalanan yang semakin jauh
Tak pupuskan kuatnya hati
Tetap bertahan walau tersakiti
Atas dunia yang semakin menggila

kami tetap bersama, terus menggenggam mimpi
Kami kan trus bersama, menaklukan dunia

Kisah sahabat, kisah kami
Selalu menertawakan mimpi
Kisah sahabat, kan terus kami jalani
Selamanya, bersama”

Translated song lyrics in English;

"Hey guys, listen up
This story is about us
Be loyal together
Promise always against the world

Longer journey
Don't lose the strength of your heart
Keep holding on even if it hurts
In a world that's getting crazier

we stay together, keep on dreaming
We'll always be together, conquer the world

Friends story, our story
Always laugh at dreams
The story of friends, we will continue to live
Together forever"

The place where we recorded this video my sitting room. We recorded it using a Cannon brand mirrorless camera. For the sound produced, I edited using Adobe Audition CC to reduce noise in the sound recording, and the final process of editing the video was using Adobe Premiere Pro CC software. That's all we can say, hope you like it and thank you. Peace to all of us.

▶️ 3Speak


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Hey, this entry was cool :)
Friendship? Many emotions can be shared with friends, great idea for this song!


Thank you very much miss @mipiano
we glad you like this song.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I really liked the explanation about emotions, those examples are very cool and that friendship has inspired a song is even cooler 👍😉!!!

My rock brothers, how nice to see and listen to you, always bringing songs with very nice messages, very real and sincere, that's what music is about, always being authentic and genuine just like you are 🤜🤛!!!

It has been a great pleasure to visit you and listen to a song that brings out the thousands of emotions that can be experienced with friends, who really are one more family 🙌😀💛

I hope you have a happy weekend, we keep seeing each other brothers... You Rockkk!!! 🤘😎🤘🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

PS: my Bro, your Kakashi shirt is AWESOME 🔥🔥🔥!!!

yes bro. Thank you also for always supporting us fully. If there is another opportunity, we would like to duet with you one day.

PS: my Bro, your Kakashi shirt is AWESOME 🔥🔥🔥!!!

Besides rock music, I also love anime especially dragon ball and naruto. Ha ha ha 😁😁😁

No doubt Brother, at some point, when I get out of other collaborative commitments that are paused, but that I will reactivate, we will do something together of course, I would love to rock with you guys 🤜🤛!!!!

We are on the same wavelength, I'm an eternal fan of Dragon Ball and Naruto, now I'm a fan of Kimetsu No Yaiba too 🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!! You absolutely Rockkkk!!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

Kimetsu No Yaiba is also viral in Indonesia bro. I also watched that anime. we are one wave 😁😁

Ohhh Yeahhhh 😁 I'm looking forward to season 3, this anime is amazing and I think it has the best combat effects I've seen; I bought the Ps4 game and it's mind blowing!!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯