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RE: Something I Don't Go Around Telling Just Anyone

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago

Ha, I loved this story. I wondered where it was going to lead, given you were just talking about your working life and not your destination. But yeah, what the wife says, goes, right? Happy days.

 3 years ago  

And it's so much easier when the person directing my is just like me.

Glad you made it by here. Thank you. Sucks being stuck in park doesn't it? We've already gone coast to coast in the states once since returning. And then we went, well, you know, like talking to myself.

What's next, deodorant and yoga sunrises?


Ah, I feel the same with my man. Our adventures are very much hand in hand, and every journey is together. I can always feel the love ooooozing from the page when you talk about Pura.

We've been married 17 years yesterday, or today if I can wrap my head around being in Australia yet having got married in the uK, which is behind us time wise. Never been happier.

Yoga sunrises - hmmmm, more like surfing sunrises, which is always my fave.

 3 years ago  

Congratulations. Way to lead by example.