The cardinal woodpecker Chloropicus fuscescens Datel Kardinálský

in Feathered Friends3 years ago (edited)

Datel! Tak těch v poušti moc nežije. Ono šplhat se tam většinou dá akorát po trávě. Byl málo vidět, ale na určení to stačí. Mám ho z kempu, který byl plný stromů. Kempy a místa určená na odpočinek jsou se stromy, aby se bylo kde schovat před sluncem. Focení v kempech je obvykle príma. Bývají tam ptáci, občas něco kvete a hlavně můžete chodit po svých a ne pořád sedět v autě.

Woodpecker! So there aren't many of them in the desert. It is usually possible to climb there just on the grass. There was little to see, but that's enough to determine. I got it from a camp that was full of trees. Camps and places to rest are with trees so that there is a place to hide from the sun. Photography in campsites is usually direct. There are birds there, sometimes something blooms and most importantly you can walk on your own and not still sit in the car.

Kgalagadi national park, South Africa 19.3.2020


Very good.
Is this woodpecker a tree borer?

Stunning! This bird is so beautiful. I remember the days when I lived close to the kruger national park and the beautiful birds there. I long to go back! My brother was there last year and sent me some images. How I miss that stunning place.

Amazing shot 😌😌