The common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) Slavík obecný

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Slyšet slavíka není tak vzácné, ale s pozorováním je to horší. Obvykle se schovává v hustém křoví a přes listí ho nezahlédnete. Tento byl výš na dosud neolistěném stromě. Brzké jaro má své výhody.

Hearing a nightingale is not so rare, but with observation it is worse. It is usually hidden in thick bushes and you will not see it through the leaves. This one was higher on a not yet leafed tree. Early spring has its benefits.

Escuchar un ruiseñor no es tan raro, pero con la observación es peor. Suele estar escondido en espesos arbustos y no lo verás a través de las hojas. Este estaba más alto en un árbol aún sin hojas. El comienzo de la primavera tiene sus beneficios.
observed 30.4.2017 Central Bohemia, Czech republic

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Photo as an evidence. I publish my observations on Identification is confirmed by other users.
Foto como prueba. Publico mis observaciones en Otros usuarios confirman la identificación.


Awww, that's cute. It's ok that it's not rare, that means we can find this cool bird alot. What kind of weathers does it like? Are they awake at night like owls, since they are called "nightingales"? :)

It is an european bird, but have subspecies. It is not a nocturnal bird, but it is special in that it sings even at night in the dark.

Aww. That's cool and cute, and good to know. I have to say, almost all birds are fascinating. I'm sure bird catchers like you really get a new adventure every day! I love how this bird's beak is so small hehe. :)

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