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RE: Favorite Wild Turkey Tuesday Palooza 22 photos

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

Well owls are not wild turkeys, but both are my top favorites. The primary differences are health of course, and most domesticated (at least commercially raised) don't get proper coloring because kept in barns/cages. Some people keep them as pets, if raised from young like a chicken, they'll just kinda hang out.


Interesting. Do you think a female wild turkey would mate with a super domesticated turkey?

Hmm google says similar DNA, but would be rare to happen. Domesticated have been bred to be fat, slow, and stupid. Wild are still survival of the fittest, can run 25 mph and fly 55 mph. Domestic don't live long in the wild and are usually found and eaten by predators (Coyotes, Bobcats, Fox, etc.) rather quickly.

Oh wow. Lol...they are bred to be stupid. Very interesting.

I read somewhere that chickens can count to 10.

here is a video too.

I think domestication can have that effect especially if they are bred for food.

I eat meat though, I feel hypocritical admitting that we do that to turkeys