Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1056 🐦

in Feathered Friends3 years ago


🦉 The European goldfinch or simply the goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

📚 Carduelis carduus (Latin) thistle


I don't often get a photo of these birds. But I am extremely happy when I get a chance to properly photograph these beautiful colorful birds.
As you can guess from the trees that have just begun to grow, these photos were taken in the spring, in May. Flocks of goldfinches have already split into pairs, and therefore birds are rare.
However, I managed to see and hear the chirping of these birds, there were two of them. They flew into a small forest nook where fielfares lived. And while these warlike birds attacked me with droppings, I was able to take these photos.




Great photos! You were very brave to take on a Fieldfare assault!
