Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1109 🐦

in Feathered Friends3 years ago


🦉 The yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella)

📚 Emberiza embritz (Old German) bunting
📚 citrinella citrine (lat.) yellow; citrinella (Italian) yellow bird


This bird is closely related to the thickets of large grasses, the seeds of which it feeds, therefore in summer it can often be seen near bushes and thickets. In the spring, these birds spend the mating season in the forests and forest-steppes. They feed on seeds, grains of cereals, and in the summer - a variety of insects.
This bunting was in an open area of the forest near the coast, there is dense thickets, and it jumped on the ground in search of seeds.




Очень красивая овсянка. Такой оригинальный окрас оперения.

На самом деле ничего особенного, а вот весной, самцы имеют очень яркое насыщенное оперение.

Smaller birds not always so easy to identify, well done on your expertise with birds in your surroundings.
