The Difference a Stick Makes

in Geek Zone2 years ago


On this new PC I'm building, I'm trying to go for the most modern and cheapest configuration around, and 8GBs of RAM is quickly becoming outdated.
After looking a while at MercadoLibre/Livre I found a stick of 8GBs of Crucial 2666mhz ram, the same as the one in the picture.

It's pretty ugly, pretty simple, but hey, it works.
It had "Full" shipping, which means it was supposed to arrive in 24 hours, and it did, in around 19 hours since I bought it. Pretty crazy how fast things are these days.
I've done some synthetic benchmarks to see how big of a difference single channel is to dual channel, specially on a system that already has dedicated graphics and a fairly good proccessor (i5 8400).

So let'sa go.

(Left is single channel 8GBs, right is dual channel 16GBs, both sticks running at 2667mhz)

Looking at Geekbench scores real quick reveals quite a good improvement from such a cheap part. Specially in the multi-core department, which is where I've found Intel's performance to be slightly behind that of AMD, and that's cool, I guess.
Single-core performance is still pretty important however, and a 100+ score improvement is nothing to scoff at whatsoever.

Looking at the detailed single-core stats here, there's not much that particularly catches my eye, after all, I'm an ignoramous, but seeing a decent bump in HTML5 reassures me I did the right thing.
Most numbers are negligible, but well, still an improvement, and this wasn't just about going dual channel, having 16GBs is, as I said, essential.

The multi-core results are a lot more impressive however, you can clearly see a large improvement in most areas, and with this being a 6-core, it's likely to help quite a bit.
That floating point improvement too is quite impressive, not gonna lie.
The definite help to HDR is also great to see as I consume tons of HDR content, specially with Windows 11's new auto-HDR feature and all the Youtube videos now available in HDR.
Image compression is also something I tend to do, so these synthetic benchmarks have shown to be quite helpful to get a general idea of what to expect. And the N-body and rigid body physics results are also nice as those tend to translate into gains on gaming.

But of course...

GPU performance is a lot more important to me. And this Vulkan test has shown a pretty significant improvement, one that I'm sure will translate greatly onto the games I play.
This was what made me the happiest.

Somethinga little peculiar was that some numbers actually went down in the detailed Vulkan statistics. Such as Sobel going from 5.94 Gpixels/sec to 5.48.
Canny also saw a loss from 1.14Gpixels to 922.5Mpixels/sec.
I'm willing to assume these are essentially margin of error, so it doesn't have me too much in a worry.
And if you look at the other numbers and compare them, you can clearly see large improvements that can't be ignored as a simple margin of error.
Depth of field, stereo matching, SFFT and feature matching clearly show an improvement.

The real tour de force here however will be when actually running games, as memory throughput is now doubled. That will make for what I believe should be FPS increases of 4 to 10FPS on most titles. Any sort of memory bandwidth "help" to the RX6400 on a PCIe Gen 3.0 bus should be more than welcome.

Either way, I'm 100% sure this will be helping me lots.
Thanks for readings, bruddas and sistas!

 2 years ago  

La verdad creo que la tecnología aumenta cada ves mas con el fin de hacer que el consumidor necesite de mas recursos para gastar y hacer mas grandes a los grandes pero que mas todo esto es así. Gracias por traer esto aquí muy buen contenido

Creo que depende de cuál sea su caso de uso.

La tecnología siempre va a evolucionar, y con esa evolución los precios van a subir, pero al mismo tiempo cosas que antes eran caras se vuelven accesibles.

Yo pagué muy poco por este computador, y esta memoria RAM también era muy barata, algo así cuando empecé a construir computadores en 2007 me habría costado un ojo de la cara

//Perdón por el mal español, soy brasilero