Artemis Shares: Green Weekend On The Way

Friday means GREEN thinking for GREEN THUMBS everywhere!! Gardens, repotting, new plants, indoor gardens, grow lights, green patios and balconies and, of course, celebrating and supporting some great garden contributors on Hive.

Each of the authors featured today is a post beneficiary, so please be generous.

Enjoy. Upvote. Comment. Reblog. Tip.

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Growing Rosemary: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Cultivating this Super Herb

Rosemary is one of the most commonly used herbs in savory dishes. If you're looking to enhance your home cooked meals, there's no better method than growing herbs yourself.

And yes, it grows super-well in a tub or pot. Read more...


Goodbye, Garden! Focusing on Indoor Gardening

We do not have sufficient natural lighting at this part of our small studio, so we just installed lights directly above the plants to hopefully sustain their growth. It's so exciting to see them grow each day. I try to check on them twice a day, one in the morning and then again in the afternoon. Even my kids love to check out on them, and see how their growth progress. Read more...


Take Your Free Time With Gardening

Monotonous work and daily activities often make me feel so bored and force myself to try many new things. This way I do so that there is refreshment and add my stories in life. Today is Sunday, hot weather reaches 37°C, so lazy to go outside the house. Because there was not too much work, I spent my time repairing the small garden at home. Arrange it back, brush the floor, clean the wall, fertilize the plants and move some chilli seeds into small pots. Gardening is the one that I like besides cooking. Read more...

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@artemisshares is a simple, private curation project run by @artemislives. The goal? To increase exposure and rewards for great content that doesn't always get the recognition it deserves. Today it might be 3 healthful posts, tomorrow it might be 3 posts about freedom, red cars, crypto or dogs. As the mood takes me.

Each post featured here is a post beneficiary and the remainder used to build a juicier upvote. Because I believe in encouragement and at the end of a curating session, there are ALWAYS a few posts I'd like to do more for.


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Thank you for your support ❤️

You're so very welcome @dwittavita - keep posting good content please!! 😊


Thank you so much

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Thank you for sharing! ❤️

You're incredibly welcome, @arrliin - can't imagine the adjustment to being without your little garden space. Congrats on the positive and optimistic reaction. 😆


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