My Best Feature You Wouldn't Have Imagined | Day 22 of 30-DAY #BLOGGING CHALLENGE - Part 3 | [ENG/SPAN]

in Stars3 years ago

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What is your best feature?

Hello everyone. Today is a good day for Part 3 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge because it's Day 22, and I get to tell you what I feel is my best feature.

First, a best feature I feel is something that stands out prominent in a person. Some you notice immediately, such as physical beauty. Other features are hidden or more elusive. You have to know a person or hear about them before you decide this quality is their best feature.

In deciding which features are my best, let's examine them:

  • My best physical feature

This would have to be my eyes. You see, I was told from a very young age that my eyes were brown. However, as I grew into my teen years, they seemed to have changed color. The hue was gray, with a hint of medium blue.

I loved the color of my eyes because they were so different from anyone else I knew. If you stare into them long enough, they look like windows without an end.

It's often said that eyes are windows into the soul. If that's true, then it will probably take a while to reach the depth of my soul. You'd probably give up and say I don't have one. That's a horrible thing to tell something. Better still, it's devastating to feel this. However, that is exactly what I experienced.

Suffice it to say that I grew to adulthood and overcame the stigma of being in an ethnic group that doesn't normally have gray or blue eyes. I guess mine went well with my red hair. So happy I'm a senior citizen now and my hair is gray, with a light brownish tint. Isn't it fascinating how truly unique each individual is?

  • My best personality feature

This would definitely be my generosity. I was taught at a young age to be generous. My family and I were not rich. We weren't even well off. We were considered poor.

My parents taught us sympathy and empathy. We could identify with other people who were in poverty.

Once an adult, I took on numerous causes with a dire sincerity. But my most serious and heartfelt cause is child hunger.

It hurts to see, hear, or read about children in poverty who go to bed each night with proper nutrition or nothing at all. I've joined numerous groups and give to charitable organizations who sole purpose is to attempt to alleviate child hunger.

I was once told by another Hive member that the issue is not supply, it is distribution. If that's so, then I don't see why and why it hasn't been cured.


Hola a todos. Hoy es un buen día para la tercera parte del Reto Blogger de 30 días porque es el día 22, y puedo contarles lo que siento que es mi mejor característica.

En primer lugar, una mejor característica que siento es algo que se destaca prominente en una persona. Algunos se notan inmediatamente, como la belleza física. Otros rasgos están ocultos o son más elusivos. Hay que conocer a una persona o saber de ella antes de decidir que esa cualidad es su mejor rasgo.

Para decidir cuáles son mis mejores rasgos, vamos a examinarlos:

  • Mi mejor rasgo físico**

Esto tendría que ser mis ojos. Desde muy joven me dijeron que mis ojos eran marrones. Sin embargo, cuando llegué a la adolescencia, parecía que habían cambiado de color. El tono era gris, con un toque de azul medio. Me encantaba el color de mis ojos porque eran muy diferentes a los de cualquier otra persona que conociera. Si los miras fijamente el tiempo suficiente, parecen ventanas sin fin. A menudo se dice que los ojos son ventanas al alma. Si eso es cierto, probablemente tardaría en llegar a la profundidad de mi alma.

Probablemente se dé por vencido y diga que no tengo ninguna. Eso es algo horrible para decir algo. Mejor aún, es devastador sentir esto. Sin embargo, eso es exactamente lo que experimenté. Basta con decir que llegué a la edad adulta y superé el estigma de pertenecer a un grupo étnico que normalmente no tiene ojos grises o azules. Supongo que los míos iban bien con mi pelo rojo. Me alegro de que ahora sea una persona mayor y mi pelo sea gris, con un ligero tinte marrón. ¿No es fascinante lo verdaderamente único que es cada individuo?

  • Mi mejor rasgo de personalidad**

Esta sería sin duda mi generosidad. Me enseñaron desde pequeño a ser generoso. Una vez adulta, asumí numerosas causas con una sinceridad extrema. Pero mi causa más seria y sentida es el hambre infantil. Me duele ver, oír o leer sobre niños en situación de pobreza que se van a la cama cada noche con una alimentación adecuada o sin nada.

Me he unido a numerosos grupos y he hecho donaciones a organizaciones benéficas cuyo único objetivo es intentar paliar el hambre infantil. Otro miembro del Panal me dijo una vez que el problema no es el suministro, sino la distribución. Si eso es así, no veo por qué y por qué no se ha curado.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor


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Follow my 30-Day Blogging Challenge below:

@flaxz initiative #alive ; #aliveandthriving (Published my Day 22 of 30-Day Blogging Challenge [Part 3] post today)


Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.





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b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines.
f) Thumbnail Image of 30-Day Blogging Challenge created by me in Canva utilizing its free templates and images per my Pro Membership Subscription.

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I don't have one best feature lol I have loads 👍🏾 @tipu curate

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 75 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @justclickindiva, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

If more people felt like you, so much more would be able to be done for those less fortunate than us. I'm not sure how so many people with so much can turn a blind eye to those in need.