in HeartChurch4 years ago

The greatest ministry that we can exercise in our lives is the ministry of reconciliation. For example, in my country, Venezuela, I believe that the greatest obstacle we have is in the division as brothers and a divided house cannot function.



The reconciliation of society, we cannot say that we are followers of Christ when we cannot love and forgive our brother, if we cannot do it with our neighbor that we see, as then we would do it with Jesus that our eyes have not seen.

We are the people of God those who carry the gospel of peace and who are capable of dying for it, which is difficult to forgive, but Jesus said that we are Blessed the peacemakers because theirs is the kingdom of heaven. There is a need to spread the encouraging message of forgiveness to the entire world, how many times should we forgive, perhaps many of us wonder, the answer: seventy times seven.

Jesus reconciled us to God the father and that ministry was given to men to love each other, I know that it is not easy to forgive and if the people we love and trust the most betray us but it is the secret of the divine award to love without limits.

For if you love those who love you, what reward will you have? do not do also the same the publicans? And if you greet your brothers only, what is exceptional about that? Don't they also well pagans? your goodness must have no limits, just as it has no limitsthe goodness of your Father who is in heaven.
Jesus of Nazareth

forgiveness is the way to peace and happiness. it is also a mystery, and unless we seek it, it will remain hidden from us. I think that part of this mystery emanates from the spirit of God to our hearts, without a doubt if we do not know that undeserved forgiveness that Jesus gave us, we will not be able to forgive. There are so many people who have betrayed me and caused me pain because they are close people with who shared many things, and to think that I am the type of person who gives everything, the pain is greater, it has taken me time to heal those wounds also to forgive, that forgiveness frees you, makes you new.

I had a friend who bothered us by external things, well I think it was me who bothered me, she was an immature young woman, however, when I met God he made me see that this person was a sincere friend and that I had judged lightly and although I never had a grudge towards her, I always dreamed things and had no peace, until the moment of my freedom came, I called her, I quoted her and I asked for forgiveness for my behavior and additionally I made her understand my love and gratitude to her for sharing With me so many moments, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.


In his poem, "The Poisonous Tree", William Blake shows us how the smallest resentment can flourish and bear fruit mortal.

forgiveness in daily life
I was angry with my friend:
I expressed my anger; my anger is over.
I was angry with my enemy:
I was silent, and my anger grew.
and I irrigated him with fears,
at night and in the morning, with my tears;
I put it in the sun with smiles,
and with soft, deceptive tricks.
grew up day and night,
until he gave an apple;
my enemy saw it shine one day,
and he knew it was mine.
he got into my garden
when the night the trunk veiled:
happy I found in the morning,
stretched out under the tree, to my enemy.

very few fights have only one side. But in our pride we see only the sins of others and we close our eyes to the faults own. Unless we are able to humble ourselves, we cannot never forgive or be forgiven. this humiliation is painful but
it is an inevitable part of life. Forgiveness allows us to go beyond pain, without denying their reality, to achieve the joy that comes from love and only God can lead us to them, because we have a single reconciler and intercessor between God the Father and us and that is Jesus, who gave his life for love of each one of we, still in his last moments of life, begged the father to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing, what a great love of a man for his creation.

If today you have something pending in your life, go and reconcile with your brother so that your prayers are not impeded and your life is peaceful.




Our core obligation as children of God in to bring man back to God. Many are very far away from God hence, we were being handed over this ministry of reconciliation. So, continue in spreading the gospel and let us not faint.

Very inspiring
Thanks for this...

Reconciliation demands that we forgive others as we ask same of the father, it may be difficult but with the Holy Spirit leading us we will succeed.

Thanks for sharing word on Forgiveness and how it can unite us. Sometimes it needs the Holy spirit to strengthen us to be able to forgive, I know how well I battled with unforgiveness over my dad who neglected us from childhood. God did not just help me to forgive him but to learn how to forgive every issue.I pray such spirit of Forgiveness be found in us all. Amen.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment