Week 1 // "Church of the Heart, Vision and Mission" // Challenge: Activity 3

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Greetings friends. Continuing the Week 1 challenge "On empowerment for a community", we have developed two activities which can be found at the following links:

Activity 1: https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@elpastor/week-1-the-challenge-of-power-for-a-community-elpastor

Activity 2: https://hive.blog/hive-108514/@elpastor/week-1-the-challenge-of-power-for-a-community-activity-2

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The third activity corresponding to this first week of the challenge is called: "HeartChurch, Mission and Vision". This information can be obtained by visiting the official website of the HeartChurch International Ministry.

Official website: https://www.heart-church.org/

"HeartChurch, Visión y Misión"

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Go to website HeartChurch is a successful community operating internationally, in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines. His "Vision" is oriented to develop in each individual "Freedom in the spirit of Christ", with the slogan "Crusade for freedom". His great “Mission” is to promote Christianity on the blockchain by spreading the love of God, based on building a community of support, focused on capturing a social market, in which educational projects are implemented in areas of: nutrition, agriculture and promotion of blockchain technology.


The "Vision" of the International HeartChurch Ministry is aimed at developing in each individual "Freedom in the spirit of Christ", with the slogan "Crusade for freedom".

Vision is the ability to see beyond, in time and space, and above others, it means to visualize, to see with the eyes of the imagination, in terms of the final result that is intended to be achieved.

HeartChurch has developed the ability to see beyond the eyes of the imagination to achieve the most important goal of reaching souls for the Kingdom of Christ. The freedom of the human spirit from the clutches of the slavery of sin, is the priority of the ministry, for the success of this glorious vision, HeartChurch has crossed the horizons of the nations to project itself as the first blockchain church that has reached souls for Christ in different countries of the world like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines. Currently he continues to develop the potential of his vision through different technological applications such as Steemit, Hive, Telos, with which he continues to contribute in "Freedom in the spirit of Christ", to reach the crowds in the "Freedom Crusade" . "


The great “Mission” of the HeartChurch International Ministry is to promote Christianity on the blockchain by spreading the love of God, based on building a community of support, focused on capturing a social market, in which educational projects are implemented in areas of: nutrition, agriculture and promotion of blockchain technology.

What does HeartChurch International Ministry do to achieve its Mission in time?

The HeartChurch community has implemented a set of alliances with different blockchains in order to promote and manage to promote Christianity in the different social networks that allow the message of salvation to reach the world.
Significantly, the HeartChurch community comes out of the virtual world to support and be present in the communities through social programs, with which the hand of solidarity is given to those most in need. In this work, the crucial work "Freedom Crusade" stands out.


We will never achieve our dream if we are not committed to what we dream of. HeartChurch's Vision and Mission is a common dream for all active members of this community. Reaching souls for Christ requires the effort and unity of all members of the community. It is required to go hand in hand in an excellent human relationship and it is required voluntarily to be in solidarity with those most in need.

Thanks for your attention.

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