Returning to God

in HeartChurch4 years ago


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Repenting is another bold step that can restore Divine Mercy on a sinner. Our God had said "Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked?" (Ezekiel 33:11, 18:23). Our God is a merciful God. (Exodus 34:16). It gives him joy when an alien sinner comes repenting from his iniquitous acts, (Proverbs 1:23)
God said; "turn you from the evil of your doings and ye shall dwell in the land(Jeremiah 25:5) God knows that we are not perfect, we can be affected by sins of omission (James 4:14), or sins of commission (James 3:4), and sins of permission (Roman 1:32). But God will heal you if you REPENT from your sins.
''Return all you have turned away from the Lord; he will heal you and make you faithful". (Jeremiah 3:28)