The Vessels We Represent

in HeartChurch4 years ago

2 Timothy 2:20; But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor.

Image by Webandi of Pixabay

Importance of an object is relative in that it depends on the user and the usage. Just like beauty it lies in the eye of the beholder. But what if the vessels decides to not make itself useful to the user what happens then?

Imagine you have a pot you use to hold water for your visitors and they really like the taste of water from your pot and this pot breaks and gets punctured somehow and so cannot hold water again to serve your guest. It losses it usefulness to you lest it be repaired.

In the same vain, we as parishioners and christians are vessels for the Lord to be used to spread the gospel and to save ourselves and our neighbors from eternal damnation. If we allow ourselves to be used by God for this deed then we becomes vessels of honor, useful vessels that our beholder appreciates.

However; if we break away from the path set before and to not allow ourselves to be mended or repaired (repent), then our usefulness is not to our beholder anymore and falls into the path of the devil.

Will you be a vessel of honor? or you will allow the devil to let you loss your usefulness.
