Los jóvenes votamos por un cambio de gobierno por primera vez y eso no nos hace personas no gratas [ES | EN]

in Catarsislast month (edited)


Los jóvenes votamos por un cambio de gobierno por primera vez, no nos hace facistas ni asesinos. Llevo 24 años viendo cómo el chavismo se roban las elecciones, estoy acostumbrada a eso pero la frase "hasta el final" me lo he tomado muy en serio, en esta vida, en la otra y en la que sigue, siempre hay un final. Sea final triste o feliz, siempre hay un final.

Llevo desde el 2017 viendo cómo mis amigos se han ido del país, antes de elegir estudiar Fisioterapia, tuve que despedir primero a mi hermano mayor, para darle un buen futuro a sus hijos, un año después se lo llevó junto a su esposa y aunque el nunca me escriba, no saben cuánto lo extraño con mi alma y extraño jugar con mis sobrinos que ya están grandes ya. Son unas hermosuras y no es justo que por el hambre al poder, muchas familias venezolanas estén separadas.

Desde pequeña he visto las guarimbas, lo veía en VTV, los ponía como personas malas, yo lo entendí desde bien pequeña y es que desde el 2009,2010,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023,2024 y ahora 2025 que Venezuela siempre ha querido un cambio y la gente pregunta ¿Que cambio? O ¿Cuál es esa famosa libertad? Cambio le digo, de gobierno, porque nunca he visto un cambio de gobierno ni nunca he vivido una democracia donde se respete la voz de un pueblo que ya habló, y decidió ser libre. Libertad le digo, a la libertad de expresiones, donde nadie nos meta preso por pensar diferente, como en cuba que lo hace. Venezuela en después del 28 de julio le ganó a Cuba en ser el país con más represión y con crímenes de lesa humanidad. Lo hicieron demasiado atroz, 1.200 personas detenidas que ni cuando pequeña veía todo lo que ví y viví porque yo salí a protestar y vinieron en motos para la iglesia a celebrar un triunfo que solo celebran en sus mentes. No puedo creer como puede ser tan mentirosos y dañinos.

Young people voted for a change of government for the first time, it does not make us facists or murderers. I have been watching for 24 years how elchavismo steals elections, I am used to that but the phrase “until the end” I have taken it very seriously, in this life, in the other one and in the one that follows, there is always an end. Whether it's a sad or happy ending, there is always an ending.

I have been seeing since 2017 how my friends have left the country, before choosing to study Physiotherapy, I had to say goodbye first to my older brother, to give a good future to his children, a year later he took him and his wife and although he never writes to me, you do not know how much I miss him with my soul and I miss playing with my nephews who are already grown up now. They are beautiful and I do not swear that because of the hunger for power, many Venezuelan families are separated.

Since I was a little girl I have seen the guarimbas, I saw it on VTV, I saw them as bad people, I understood it since I was very little and it is that since 2009,2010,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023,2024 and now 2025 that Venezuela has always wanted a change and people ask what change? Or what is this famous freedom? Change I say, of government, because I have never seen a change of government nor have I ever lived a democracy where the voice of a people that has already spoken, and decided to be free, is respected. Freedom I say, freedom of expression, where nobody puts us in jail for thinking differently, as in Cuba they do. Venezuela after July 28th beat Cuba in being the country with more repression and crimes against humanity. They made it too atrocious, 1,200 people arrested that even when I was a child I did not see all that I saw and lived because I went out to protest and they came in motorcycles to the church to celebrate a triumph that they only celebrate in their minds. I can't believe how they can be so lying and harmful.




Es la primera vez que me inscribí en el registro electoral, sabiendo que iban a dar un resultado falso, sabiendo que millones de venezolanos que estamos aquí todavía íbamos a unas elecciones presidenciales el pasado 28 de Julio sabiendo todo lo que iba a pasar pero no sabíamos que se iban a volver tan malos en meter a la gente presa, sabiendo que iban a cerrar la página del Centro Nacional Electoral y sabiendo que nunca mostraron actas ni resultados. Yo tuve miedo de caer presa cuando salí a protestar, mamá me detuvo.

Hubo una señora mayor que se quedó en los años de 1999 cuando Venezuela era próspera y llegó Chávez, aunque si, viví una época "bien" con Chávez, sabía que me estaban metiendo el fanatismo con él, incluso mi papá que era bien chavista y quería que yo lo fuera. Yo ya venía criticando todo desde pequeña, no me gustan las injusticias. Vuelvo a ser la Andrea que no me callo cuando se habla de esto, es que he vivimos muchos tiempos feos en Venezuela como todos y nunca he visto un cambio. La señora me dijo que la oposición se montó sin prometer nada pero es que no hace falta que un gobierno te prometa "algo" más que la libertad de expresión y opinar lo que queramos.

Es que yo voté por muchas razones.

Voté porque no los quiero ya, son 25 años viviendo lo mismo y peor aunque disfracen a Venezuela con que se arregló con el lavado del dinero, el sueldo mínimo si lo bajan o lo suben, será peor, la inflación está potente con el dólar y el problema con el gas volvió.

Voté porque desde el 2017, sufro desde que el guardia nacional le disparó a Daniel y lo dejó en una silla de ruedas. La bala nunca se la sacaron y lo golpeó, lo dejó tirado en el piso. Nunca quiso hacer terapias para volver a caminar. El pasado año 2024 terminó de fallecer el 9 de noviembre, incluso este 9 de enero se cumple un mes de su fallecimiento cuando todos vuelven a las calles otra vez y si, se necesita pero ellos tienen las armas.

Desde el 2017 me acuerdo de las cosas hasta ahora. Voté porque mis amistades se fueron, porque no tengo servicios básicos, porque todo es un caos, terminas de ahorrar para algo que necesitas y ya tienes que sacar el dinero. Porque mi salud mental ya no está bien, quiero que todo termine ya y no nos tengamos que ir del país. Éramos un país que nunca, nadie se iba, más bien recibíamos migrantes y ahora hay xenofobia por culpa de otros. Los cubanos los recibimos bien acá, chilenos, peruanos, colombianos porque mi mamá es colombiana nacionalizada venezolana y emigró por la guerrilla. Lo atrevo a decir, y yo, no quiero ser otra que se vaya, aunque me tengo que quedar para sacar la licenciatura, se que los que emigraron no lo pudieron hacer. Leo, Teo ni titi que querían seguir estudiando aunque quisieron, así, como muchos jóvenes.

It is the first time I registered in the electoral registry, knowing that they were going to give a false result, knowing that millions of Venezuelans who are still here were going to a presidential election last July 28 knowing everything that was going to happen but we did not know that they were going to be so bad at putting people in jail, knowing that they were going to close the page of the National Electoral Center and knowing that they never showed minutes or results. I was afraid of going to jail when I went out to protest, my mother stopped me.

There was an older lady who stayed in the years of 1999 when Venezuela was prosperous and Chávez arrived, although yes, I lived a “good” time with Chávez, I knew that they were putting fanaticism in me with him, even my father who was a Chavista and wanted me to be one. I had been criticizing everything since I was a child, I do not like injustices. I am again the Andrea who did not like it when people talk about this, I have lived through many ugly times in Venezuela like everyone else and I have never seen a change. The lady told me that the opposition was set up without promising anything but it is not necessary for a government to promise you “something” more than freedom of expression and to give our opinion whatever we want.

I voted for many reasons.

I voted because I don't want them anymore, they are 25 years living the same and worse although they disguise Venezuela with that it was fixed with money laundering, the minimum wage if they lower it or raise it, it will be worse, inflation is powerful with the dollar and the problem with the gas is back.

I voted because since 2017, I suffer since the national guard shot Daniel and left him in a wheelchair. The bullet was never taken out and hit him, left him lying on the floor. He never wanted to do therapies to walk again. Last year 2024 he ended up passing away on November 9, even this January 9 is a month since his passing when they all go back to the streets again and yes, it is needed but they have the guns.

Since 2017 I remember things until now. I voted because my friends left, because I don't have basic services, because everything is chaos, you finish saving for something you need and you already have to take the money out. Because my mental health is no longer good, I want everything to end now and we don't have to leave the country. We used to be a country that never, nobody left, we used to receive migrants and now there is xenophobia because of others. Cubans are well received here, Chileans, Peruvians, Colombians because my mother is Colombian and Venezuelan nationalized and emigrated because of the guerrilla. I dare to say it, and me, I do not want to be another one who leaves, although I have to stay to get my degree, I know that those who emigrated could not do it. Leo, Teo and Titi did not want to continue studying even though they wanted to, like many young people.


Me lo saqué en el 2018 y de paso está vencido, tengo que renovar que también es otro costo aún más alto. tendría que publicar todos los días y yo solo quiero comprar mis instrumentos para hacer terapias físicas a domicilio.

I took it off in 2018 and incidentally it is expired, I have to renew which is also another even higher cost. i would have to post every day and I just want to buy my instruments to do home physical therapies.



¿Por qué no podemos vivir en un país normal? ¿Cuándo viviremos en un país normal dónde no nos persigan, maten, torturen, detengan y boten del trabajo por estar en contra de ellos?

Vi a un chamo del liceo, de 5to año de liceo, con Hambre, flaco, amarillo, presentando evaluaciones y lo ayudé con Hive.

Hoy, 7 de Enero mandan a los niños a clases y no hay comida buena en el PAE.

No queremos seguir tomando la decisión de emigrar y que ellos se queden con algo que es nuestro, este país es de nosotros, no de ellos.

Why can't we live in a normal country? When will we live in a normal country where we are not persecuted, killed, tortured, detained and thrown out of work for being against them?

I saw a boy from high school, 5th year of high school, with hunger, skinny, yellow, presenting evaluations and I helped him with Hive.

Today, January 7, they send the children to classes and there is no good food in the PAE.

We do not want to continue making the decision to emigrate and that they keep something that is ours, this country is ours, not theirs.

Pictures of My property.

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Camera: Realme C11 2021