The life of an introvert [ENG/ESP]

in Catarsis2 years ago (edited)

This post is written in two languages and divided for ease of reading.
Este post está escrito en dos idiomas y dividido para facilitar la lectura.
Portada de Facebook Solo Respira Motivacional Retro Beige Blanco (Portada para Facebook).png
imagen realizada en canva con la herramienta de pexels



Creo que desde siempre he sido una persona bastante introvertida, los grupos sociales muy grandes, reuniones o fiestas nunca han sido lo mío. Socializar me drena, me cansa un poco y siempre debo tomarme espacios prolongados en soledad para poder recargarme nuevamente.

No rechazo a las personas, de hecho, cuando comparto en ambientes sociales soy una persona bastante dedicada, me encargo de crear buenas conexiones con los demás. Sin embargo, hacerlo me drena, es algo normal en las personas introvertidas de hecho.

Aunque podría decirte que disfruto dos tipos de escenario, cuando me tomo un café a solas y cuando me tomo un café acompañada. El hecho de ser una persona introvertida no significa que deba ser un ermitaño.


I think I've always been a pretty introverted person, large social groups, gatherings or parties have never been my thing. Socializing drains me, it tires me out a bit and I always have to take long periods of time in solitude to recharge again.

I don't reject people, in fact, when I share in social environments I am a very dedicated person, I take care of creating good connections with people. However, doing so drains me, it is something normal for introverted people in fact.

Although I could tell you that I enjoy two types of scenarios, when I have a coffee alone and when I have a coffee accompanied. Being an introvert doesn't mean I have to be a hermit.


s o u r c e

A muchas personas les cuesta entender esto y terminan traduciendo mi lejanía como una actitud despreciable en la que yo soy la villana de la historia y, aunque para ellos esa es su verdad, para mí es otra totalmente diferente. Simplemente es un rasgo de mi personalidad muy marcado que no puedo cambiar (tampoco quiero hacerlo).

El estar sola me ha enseñado muchas cosas, una de ellas es la convivencia conmigo misma y a cómo sanar esa relación. Aprender a estar con uno mismo y aprender a pasárselo bien es una tarea que toma su tiempo, especialmente porque a nivel social no es muy bien visto. Las personas tienden a juzgar a los solitarios.

Lo segundo que he aprendido gracias a éste rasgo tan maravilloso es que conservo y mantengo relaciones verdaderamente valiosas, lo que me permite crear conexiones verdaderas. Sí, socializar es una tarea desgastante, lo mínimo que espero de ella es hacerlo en un espacio que sea cómodo y agradable tanto para mí como para mi o mis acompañantes.

Many people have a hard time understanding this and end up translating my remoteness as a despicable attitude in which I am the villain of the story and, although for them that is their truth, for me it is a totally different one. It is simply a very marked personal trait of mine that I cannot change (nor do I want to).

Being alone has taught me many things, one of them is how to live with myself and how to heal that relationship. Learning to be with yourself and learning to have a good time is a task that takes time, especially because socially it is not very well seen. People tend to judge loners.

The second thing I have learned from this wonderful trait is that I keep and maintain truly valuable relationships, which allows me to create real connections. If socializing is a time-consuming task, the least I expect from it is to do it in a space that is comfortable and enjoyable for me and my companions.


s o u r c e

Hablar me cansa, pero hacerlo con una persona que es excesivamente negativa y me hace entrar en un ambiente de veneno creo que termina enfermándome. Esa es la única razón por la cuál terminaría una relación (interpersonal). Aprecio mucho a mi salud mental y prefiero estar en espacios dónde no sienta ansiedad por tratar con alguien que es muy negativo.

Y creo que lo tercero sería que me ha enseñado a vivir con intencionalidad, es decir, estar presente, motivada y con un propósito por cumplir. Valoro al tiempo y a todas las cosas que puedo conseguir teniéndolo de mi lado, sin que se me escape, es por ello que todos los días trato de vivirlos con intención, estando atenta a mis hábitos, atendiendo no sólo mis necesidades físicas, sino también psicológicas e intelectuales, aprendiendo y creciendo como persona.

Desde que me permití ser una persona introvertida sin temor al qué dirán y a la presión de tener que socializar porque si, he logrado llevarme hacía la vida que quiero vivir. Me centro más en mis estudios, en mis metas y en mis sueños, sin alejar a todos aquellos que son parte de mi vida también.

Talking tires me out, but doing it with a person who is overly negative and gets me into a poisonous environment, I think, ends up making me sick. That is the only reason I would end a relationship (interpersonal). I appreciate my mental health and I prefer to be in spaces where I don't feel anxious about dealing with someone.

And I think the third thing is that it has taught me to live with intentionality, that is, to be present, motivated and purposeful. I value time and all the things I can achieve by having it on my side, without letting it escape me, that is why I try to live every day with intention, being attentive to my habits, taking care not only of my physical needs, but also psychological and intellectual, learning and growing as a person.

Since I allowed myself to be an introverted person without fear of what people will say and the pressure of having to socialize just because, I have managed to lead myself to the life I want to live. I focus more on my studies, my goals and my dreams, without alienating all those who are part of my life as well.


s o u r c e

No sólo construyo para mí sino también para todos los demás. Amo compartir y conectar con ellos, pero también amo muchísimo mantenerme en mi espacio, recargando poco a poco mi energía para poder compartirla luego con alguien más.

Recuerdo que antes rechazaba mucho de mí el hecho de que no me gustaban las reuniones sociales e intentaba obligarme a ser parte del grupo. Eso me generaba unos dolores de cabeza que me duraban semanas. Poco a poco fui comprendiendo que en el mundo hay espacio para absolutamente todos y que está bien disfrutarlo de nuestra forma.

I build not only for myself but also for everyone else. I love to share and connect with them, but I also love very much to keep myself in my space, recharging little by little my energy to be able to share it with someone else.

I remember I used to reject a lot about myself that I didn't like social gatherings and tried to force myself to be part of the group. That would give me headaches that would last for weeks. Little by little I came to understand that there is room in the world for absolutely everyone and that it is okay to enjoy it in our own way.


❥ Flowers icons here
❥ Icon of my divider here
❥ Signature made in canva
❥ Translated with the help of deepL

❤ t h a n k y o u ☜ (⌒ ▽ ⌒) ☞

firma hive.gif


I often purposefully tell people: don't stop inviting me, it's just sometimes I get anxious and need to be alone, it's not you.

I get social anxiety which is a knock on effect of introversion, but then I love being in certain company too, just not everyone's. I don't know if it's damage from being bullied, or the fact I have a Cancer moon ahaha... My emotional self needs quiet to process and when in company my emotional body starts to pop and fizz and get over stimulated.. I was like that as a kid too. Plus I feel like I'm on high alert all the time, watching social cues and worrying I'll fuck up.

Like @vincentnijman , I'm hypersensitive... In fact, the article I wrote about that here kick started his hypersensitive writing! It's a blessing and a curse.

In fact I think part of my introversion is also due to social anxiety, I am afraid to talk to people (including ordering a pizza) I always leave that task to my siblings.

It's hard to be an introvert in an extroverted world where silence is not part of the table. People nowadays tend to move very fast, with a lot of noise and in very large groups. Social media for me is a very difficult thing to process (even when I try to be anonymous I find it difficult).

We should do the introverts club hahaha sounds fun at a certain point, a place to recharge, silence and connections.

Haha good idea! And we can just write posts that look like this.


And we would all totally get it.

Haha I know sometimes I say to the hubs that he has to order as I can't talk to anyone right now 😂 But most of time I'm okay with that task ..

It's why I like surfing. If I don't want to talk to people I can just paddle to a different part of break or get a wave or keep eyes on horizon...

The life of an introvert can really be intimidating and demanding I must say

It sure is

Indeed it is very much so, especially when we live in a world of extroverts, where silence is not mainly part of the table. I guess it's a matter of finding people who understand that trait in you and accept you in your moments of remoteness.

A mí me gusta mi soledad, pero no te niego, a veces me gustaría tener alguien a mi lado con quien hablar, soy de las que siempre escriben, sabes la primera que manda un msje, pero si no lo hago, no sé de nadie, así como nadie sabe de mí, y eso cansa, pero es así, y como dicen por allí mejor solo que mal acompañado.

Yo tampoco soy de socializar así, de andar en fiestas, o rumbas, nunca me ha gustado, cuando voy a una, voy por obligación, y de verdad que es incómodo, pero nadie entiende esto, de allí viene las críticas, de porque no sales, y todo lo demás. En fin, un gusto leerte, saludos.

Saludos y bendiciones desde El Estado Zulia en Venezuela.
Somos credores de nuestro destino.
Perfeccionamos nuestros pensamientos y controlamos emociones.
Esto es un trabajo constante que sí se logra.
A seguir luchando y a seguir creando el espacio propio.