[ESP-ING] It is the little moments that must be seized

in Catarsislast year
Hola amigos, es mi primera vez por acá en la comunidad y hoy quisiera hacer catarsis porque este año lo he considerado un tanto bueno como un tanto malo, en mi familia hemos tenido golpes muy duros (pérdidas, sustos, enfermedades) la que está más latente es la de un tío que falleció de un infarto el diciembre pasado un 22 y eso ha sido un poco sorprendente porque me crié con él toda mi vida, y en este año he experimentando otras enfermedades familiares, dos tíos más han caído hospitalizados, uno con un empiema pulmonar (pus en los pulmones) que gracias a Dios ya está de alta, pero el otro aún está luchando por su vida con un cáncer pulmonar y actualmente está recluido en el hospital de La Victoria Edo. Aragua.


Este segundo se llama Edwuin Miranda, es esposo de una de mi tías paternas, ha sido una lucha desde hace ya 1 año porque él sufría de Elefantitis la cual terminó en amputación de una de sus piernas, no pudieron asistir a mi matrimonio civil por las mismas razones (cayó en las fechas de su recuperación) y por ende no los pude ver, para mí eso ha sido algo impactante porque llevo 10 años sin verlos, sin compartir con ellos ni nada parecido, él ya está en su etapa crítica, el cáncer se volvió metastasis y es algo más sorprendente porque es fuerte pensar que en cualquier momento tendremos otra perdida porque ya él está conectado a oxigeno de manera permanente porque el cáncer le ha dificultado respirar y ha tenido episodios donde tienen que darle RCP porque le falta oxigeno.


Estamos en un país donde conseguir insumos médicos se ha vuelto una odisea pero gracias a Dios todo se ha conseguido, como dije arriba llevaba 10 años sin verlos y en estas condiciones tuvimos que ver a mi tía, necesitaban un colchón anti-escaras y gracias a Dios la familia de mi padrastro tenía uno y se lo pudieron facilitar y fue la manera en la que salí a buscarla para entregárselo ¡la alegría que tuve al verla era inefable! no dejaba de abrazarla, besarla, tocarla, en estos momentos de dificultad es cuando más necesita de un apoyo, un abrazo, una palabra de aliento, verle su semblante caído me partió el corazón, no podía hablar porque se cristalizaban sus ojos.


El cáncer cambia la perspectiva de ver la vida, nunca lo había experimentado pero este año ha sido de aprendizajes, renovaciones, y transformación personal porque no sabemos cuando la vida nos de un giro de 180° y solo le pido a Dios que como familia nos una y que nunca nunca dejemos de tenderle la mano al que necesita de nosotros, es una enfermedad muy desgastante física y emocionalmente, todos los días es una incertidumbre ¿pasará bien la noche, el oxigeno del cilindro será suficiente, que más le estará afectando en su organismo? y muchas preguntas más, y más sorprendente es que el que padece esa enfermedad como lo es mi tío, siempre están optimista, con una sonrisa en su rostro y dando aliento aquel que tenga a su lado cuando es él el que esta padeciendo, y es donde me pongo a pensar que "siempre hay que sacar lo bueno de los momentos malos" y disfrutar ese instante de felicidad por efímero que sea, este año esperamos terminarlo con él en nuestra mesa pero solo Dios hace su voluntad.

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Gracias amigos porque primera vez que experimento algo tan fuerte en mi familia pero yo sé que Dios no nos deja solos, les pido que tengan en sus oraciones a mi tío, xoxo.

Hello friends, this is my first time here in the community and today I would like to make catharsis because this year I have considered it both good and bad, in my family we have had very hard blows (losses, scares, diseases) the one that is more latent is that of an uncle who died of a heart attack last December 22 and that was a bit surprising because I grew up with him all my life, and this year I have experienced other family illnesses, two more uncles have been hospitalized, one with a pulmonary empyema (pus in the lungs) that thank God is already discharged, but the other is still fighting for his life with lung cancer and is currently confined in the hospital of La Victoria Edo. Aragua.


This second one is called Edwin Miranda, he is the husband of one of my paternal aunts, it has been a struggle since 1 year ago because he suffered from Elephantitis which ended in the amputation of one of his legs, they could not attend my civil marriage for the same reasons (fell on the dates of his recovery) and therefore I could not see them, for me that has been something shocking because I have been 10 years without seeing them, He is already in his critical stage, the cancer became metastasis and it is something more surprising because it is hard to think that at any moment we will have another loss because he is already permanently connected to oxygen because the cancer has made it difficult for him to breathe and he has had episodes where they have to give him CPR because he lacks oxygen.


We are in a country where getting medical supplies has become an odyssey but thank God everything has been achieved, as I said above I had not seen them for 10 years and in these conditions we had to see my aunt, they needed a mattress and thank God my stepfather's family had one and they could provide it and that was the way I went out to look for her to give it to her, the joy I had when I saw her was ineffable! I couldn't stop hugging her, kissing her, touching her, in these moments of difficulty is when she most needs support, a hug, a word of encouragement, seeing her fallen face broke my heart, she could not speak because her eyes were crystallizing.


Cancer changes the perspective of seeing life, I had never experienced it but this year has been one of learning, renewal, and personal transformation because we do not know when life will give us a 180° turn and I only ask God that as a family we unite and never stop reaching out to those who need us, it is a very exhausting disease physically and emotionally, every day is an uncertainty, will he spend the night well, will the oxygen in the cylinder be enough, what else will be affecting his body? And many more questions, and more surprising is that the one who suffers from this disease as is my uncle, are always optimistic, with a smile on his face and giving encouragement to whoever is at his side when he is the one who is suffering, and that is where I start to think that "we must always take the good out of bad times" and enjoy that moment of happiness however fleeting it may be, this year we hope to end it with him at our table but only God does his will.

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Thank you friends because it is the first time I experience something so strong in my family but I know that God does not leave us alone, I ask you to keep my uncle in your prayers, xoxo.

Última foto tomada con un Infinix PRO X
Traductor DeepL

Latest photo taken with an Infinix PRO X
Translator DeepL


When someone close to you has a deadly disease, it makes you reevaluate your life and see things in a different light and unfortunately I'm talking from experience. Enjoy every moment with your loved once, as life is short and you never know who's next to leave. I wish health and recovery to those in need and take care.

In these moments is where we evaluate the fact that every minute counts and is important, thank you for your good wishes.