Diary of a procrastinator #2: The irony of my words

in Catarsis2 years ago


This was supposed to be a series of articles about my melancholy thoughts, my misfortunes and my constant search for happiness. Don't get me wrong, I'm nowhere near the last mentioned, but I can say that I'm starting to feel more productive, or at least a member of the optimal society.

Se suponía que está iba a ser una serie de artículos sobre mis melancólicos pensamientos, mis desgracias y mi búsqueda constante de la felicidad. No me malinterpreten, no estoy nada cerca de lo último mencionado, pero puedo decir que estoy empezando a sentirme más productivo, o al menos un miembro de la sociedad óptimo.

Accept or Decline, therein lies the dilemma | Aceptar o Declinar, he allí el dilema

I had mentioned in my previous writing that I was going job hunting, taking resumes here and there. Interestingly enough the day after I uploaded the post, I was written to by the assistant manager of the restaurant where I worked before Bartender. At that time when I met him he was a waiter captain and he taught me all about drinks, sometimes we would have a few beers that the customers and some bosses would give us, since we were both hard workers and we worked very hard. He was training me to be captain of waiters for when he was promoted, but I retired and he went on his way there. The thing is that he sent me a message saying that if I could go talk to him about the vacant Bartender position he had. I agreed, and we talked for a while about life and other nonsense, he mentioned that he wanted me back on the team, that I was going to get a higher salary than I had, but that it was going to take a while. As I had been in despair for weeks, fighting against my procrastination, I decided to go back and get up every day at 8am to prepare my breakfast and go to work, I spent basically all day there, carrying cases of beer, preparing drinks and even waiting tables, when it was 12am we were closing to go home, this was every day, from Tuesday until Sunday. I was only free one day a week because I wanted more money and it was easy for me to work there.

Había mencionado en mi escrito anterior que iba a buscar trabajo, llevando currículums aquí y allá. Curiosamente el día después que subí la publicación, me escribió el sub-gerente del restaurante donde yo trabajaba antes de Bartender. En aquel entonces cuando lo conocí el era Capitán de mesoneros y me enseñó todo sobre los tragos, a veces nos tomábamos unas cervezas que nos brindaban los clientes y algunos jefes, ya que los dos éramos grandes trabajadores y nos esforzabamos mucho. El me estaba entrenando para ser capitán de mesoneros para cuando a el lo ascendieran, pero me retire y el siguió su camino allí. La cuestión es que me mandó un mensaje diciendo que si podía ir a hablar con el sobre el puesto vacante que tenía de Bartender. Acepté, y hablamos por un rato de la vida y demás tonterías, me mencionó que me quería de vuelta en el equipo, que me iban un sueldo mayor al que tenia, pero que eso último iba a tomar un tiempo. Como llevaba semanas en la desesperación, luchando contra mi procrastinacion, decidí volver y levantarme todos los días a las 8am para preparar mi desayuno he irme al trabajo, pasaba básicamente todo el dia allá, cargando cajas de cervezas, preparando tragos y hasta atendía mesas, cuando ya eran las 12am estábamos cerrando para irme a mi casa, esto era todos los días, desde el martes hasta el domingo. Yo libraba solo un fia a la semana ya que quería más dinero y se me hacia fácil trabajar allí.

Humiliation, anger and sadness | Humillación, Irá y Tristeza

Two months flew by, making money, spending and saving, I felt productive, I felt useful, but not all that glitters is gold. Eventually the General Manager was making bad jokes, he kept telling me all day long: "You're no good", "You don't convince me", "You're garbage", and my favorite "I need you to be perfect, you're doing everything wrong. What you do is below perfect, below good, below average, below bad, it's just below worthless." I knew he said it all in a sick way of joking, but that he told me that every day, all day long, in front of everyone, in front of clients and employees, that hurt me, I was beginning to believe it, those same words I kept repeating to myself, I felt worse every day. One day I couldn't take it anymore, when the manager came and put a note on the bar that said "No sirves", a big piece of paper where I could see it. That made me explode, I just took my bag and left without saying anything. At that moment while I was walking away, I was stopped by the owner of the restaurant who happened to be there, I told him what was going on and he told me that it was just the Manager's way of joking, I told him that those are not jokes and that I was fed up, obviously I said all this in tears and anger. He told me that he would take a few days and think about it, that he would talk to the manager to stop it. Four days passed and I decided to go back, I got the raise I had proposed at the beginning and for a while everything was fine, the General Manager did not even speak to me and for me that was tons less stress for me. Now I knew that I could leave, that I did not need that place, where I always feel uncomfortable with people, where I spend 14 hours a day, where I have to work hard and not be able to do anything I like to do. I decided to leave again, this time for good, this time I understand that this place is not for me, I have already had two bad times there and maybe it is a kind of sign that I should not be with them ever and never.

Dos meses pasaron volando, ganando dinero, gastando y ahorrando, me sentía productivo, me sentía útil, pero no todo lo que brilla es oro. Con el tiempo el Gerente General me hacia bromas de mal gusto, se la pasaba todo el dia diciéndome: "No sirves", "No me convences", "Eres una basura", y mi favorita "Necesito que seas perfecto, haces todo mal. Lo que haces está por debajo de la perfección, de lo bueno, de lo promedio, de lo malo, está justo debajo de los inservible". Sabía que todo lo decía de una manera enfermiza de bromear, pero que me dijera eso todos los días, todo el día, frente a todos, delante de clientes y empleados, eso me lastima, me lo comenzaba a creer, esas mismas palabras me las repetía yo mismo, me sentía cada día peor. Un día no soporté más, cuando el Gerente vino y me puso un nota en la barra que decía "No sirves", un papel en grande donde lo podía ver. Eso me hizo explotar, solo cogí mi bolso y me fui sin decir nada. En ese momento mientras me iba caminando, me detuvo el dueño del restaurante que casualmente estaba allí, le conté lo que pasaba y me dijo que solo es la forma de bromear del Gerente, le dije que esas no son bromas y que ya estaba harto, obviamente todo esto lo dije entre lágrimas y enojo. Me dijo que me tomará unos días y lo pensará, que hablaría con el Gerente para que se dejará de ello. Pasaron 4 días y decidí volver, me dieron el aumento que me había propuesto al inicio y por un tiempo todo iba bien, el Gerente General ni me dirigía la palabra y para mi eso era toneladas menos de estrés para mi. Al volver no todo era como antes, ahora sabía que podía irme, que no necesitaba de aquel lugar, donde siempre me siento incómodo de la gente, donde paso 14 horas al dia, donde debo desvivirme y no poder hacer nada de lo que me gusta. Decidí irme de nuevo, está vez definitivo, está vez entiendo que ese lugar no es para mi, ya he pasado dos veces malos ratos allá y quizás es una especie de señal que no debo estar con ellos jamás y nunca.

It's time to start again | Es hora de comenzar de nuevo

I loved the discipline and the responsibilities I had with that place, it got me out of bed. While being here, working from home, it is a struggle against myself and my laziness that rules my soul. When I left there I felt different, I felt energetic, I felt like eating the world, after a few days that feeling was gone, I went back to the same as before, to procrastinate, to do nothing, to not want to do anything, just lamenting at night for my infinite inadequacy. I decided to start again, reading books on self-discipline and making a schedule to follow a routine. Today I am proud, I just came back from jogging, I studied some English and now I am writing this article. All following my super productive schedule, I have to create habits, so I have to be repetitive, not stop and not doubt myself at all. I don't know how I will do, but if I stop, the suffering will come back, I must keep going.

Amaba la disciplina y las responsabilidades que tenía con aquel lugar, ya que me hacía levantarme de la cama. Mientras que estando acá, trabajando desde mi hogar, es una lucha contra mi mismo y mi pereza que reina mi alma. Al irme de allá me sentí diferente, me sentía con energía, con ganas de comerme al mundo, a los días se fue ese sentimiento, volví a lo mismo de antes, a procrastinar, a no hacer nada, a no querer hacer nada, solo lamentarme por las noches por mi infinita insuficiencia. Decidí comenzar de nuevo, leyendo libros sobre la autodisciplina y haciendo un horario para seguir una rutina. Hoy estoy orgulloso, acabo de llegar de trotar, estudié algo de inglés y ahora estoy escribiendo este artículo. Todo siguiendo mi súper horario productivo, debo crearme hábitos, así que debo ser repetitivo, no detenerme y por nada dudar de mi. No sé como me irá, pero si me detengo, el sufrimiento volverá, debo seguir.

The little man in my head who wants me dead | El hombrecillo en mi cabeza que me quiere muerto

There's something I can't get out of my head, and maybe it's the root of all my problems, I don't feel like doing it is going to make me happy. I mean I see no point in trying hard, I find no reason to want to improve, there is no one to be proud of and no one to disappoint, myself, that doesn't motivate me, I feel no ambition. I am afraid that one day, something will knock me down and I will not want to get up, I will not want to continue and I will end up taking my own life. It's not a fear of failure, it's a fear of not having the desire to fight for a future that I don't think I'll ever have, to choose the easy path and end it all, to finally go to eternal nothingness.

Hay algo que no puedo sacarme de la cabeza, y quizás es la raíz de todos mi problemas, no siento que lo hago me vaya a ser feliz. Digo que no veo sentido de por qué esforzarme, no encuentro razón para querer mejorar, no hay nadie a quíen orgullecer y tampoco a quien decepcionar, ¿a mi mismo?, eso no me motiva, no siento ambición. Tengo miedo de que algún día, algo me derribe y no tenga más ganas de levantarme, no deseé seguir y me termine quitando la vida. No es un miedo al fracaso es un miedo a no tener más ganas de luchar por un futuro que no creo tener jamás, escoger el camino fácil y acabar con todo, ir por fin a la nada eterna.

Is there catharsis? | ¿Hay catarsis?

I still don't know the word catharsis in depth, but I know that I am far from understanding it. I have not found answers in the sea of insecurity and mysteries that is my mind. A puzzle that I must put together piece by piece to perhaps one day contemplate its beauty or fail and burn it all.

Sigo sin conocer a profundidad la palabra catarsis, pero sé que estoy lejos de comprenderla. No he encontrado respuestas en el mar de inseguridad y misterios que es mi mente. Un rompecabezas que debo unir pieza por pieza para quizás algún contemplar su belleza o fallar y quemarlo todo.

Do not take everything I say to heart, many ideas and opinions here were not expressed well and were written in haste, my idea is to speak with the first thing that escapes from my head, without scripts.

No tomen todo lo que digo a pecho, muchas ideas y opiniones aquí no fueron expresadas bien y fueron escritas con prisa, mi idea es hablar con lo primero que escape de mi cabeza, sin libretos.

That's all for now, we'll see you in another post.


Dear @zhoten, sorry to jump in a bit off topic but may I ask you to support the HiveBuzz proposal?
It recently lost its funding, is struggling to get back above the HBD stabilizer proposal, and is in dire need of help.
You can support it on Peakd, Ecency,

Hive.blog / https://wallet.hive.blog/proposals
or using HiveSigner.

On behalf of The HiveBuzz team, thank you!


Thank you for your support @zhoten, really appreciate it! 👍