in Hive Naija4 months ago

Life is beautiful and indeed worth living when we help one another most especially at the time of need. Life cannot be lived in isolation as we will need a help from someone at one point or the other, the more reason to live an impactful life as it will definitely be a testimony worthy of reference tomorrow. Therefore, as we receive help, it is also good to render help aswell for the flow to be complete as it doesn't work out to only receive help without rendering such.

I remembered vividly a fond memory of a particular time i rendered a help to a dear friend back then in school during my undergraduate studies some years ago. We were both students from the same faculty, living in the same school hostel. I got to know this my friend from one of my secondary school old mate who also is a student of the same faculty. Both this my old secondary school mate and his friend (who also is my friend I'm referring to) are a class higher than mine.


On getting to the final year, my friend had a challenge with a course he did in part one (100 level or year 1) which he didn't pass then but a "must pass" as an eligibility for graduation. He tried registering for it again and doing it before graduation but he wasn't able based on some prevailing circumstances then, so it was painful that he and another student won't be graduating with their set. It was a painful one because he had to wait for our set which is the immediate set for him to graduate after taking the course again.

During that time, he will have to travel down to school whenever there is a lecture, test and during exams aswell. I always keep him in touch with the latest information and updates on that course so that he didn't miss out on anything vital to him at all. In addition to this, i accomodated him whenever he is coming to school then and also take care of the feeding for the few days he will be around. He later wrote the examination and passed it which made him to be able to graduate with my set.


In addition, i updated him with the right informations needed for our professional induction and graduation ceremony from the University when he calls or whenever i reach out to him. I feel so happy to see him overcome that challenge and felt sorry for him especially for that one year delay he had then. It can be traumatizing indeed but on the long run, the wait is over and he graduated eventually. It gives me joy to be a part of people's success story and to be of help and not just only receiving help without giving it back.

Till today, my friend is still appreciative of this warm reception and help i rendered then about 6 years ago. I remembered we talking in the month of April 2024 and he still referred to that moment. I'm so glad i didn't miss the opportunity to be of help then especially when it matters most. Though not everyone comes to the appreciation of such but that of my friend was different as he really appreciated it. Whether appreciated or not, to me it feels good to help and even though, i can't help everybody, but the moment i have the opportunity to do so, i don't hesitate because a help rendered at the appropriate time is a help indeed. Thank you for reading as comments, contributions are welcomed.

This is my entry to @Hivenaija weekly prompt 50 which is posted through @inleo

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Friendly love is always the pinnacle of cooperation. He is very happy with what you have done for your friend. Because people have some dreams in life which they aim to fulfill, sometimes it is not useful in conducting their own activities. Your support for graduation is immense. I hope that God will always help you.

Thanks so much for your wonderful comments and compliments
I really appreciates it alot
It was a privilege to help then and I'm glad I do.

I wonder how he would have coped with the extra year if you had laid him off.

It was a help indeed

Thanks so much for this comment
It encourages to do more

You're welcome

 4 months ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

I wondered how he would have coped with extra year,because it's not easy that you finished your university but it's one course that will make the person to use extra year, I'm glad you helped him.

It's a privilege to do so and I'm so glad I didn't miss rendering that help at the needed time.

Thanks so much for your wonderful comments ma, I really appreciates.