3speak #uncensored special order industrial bar

in 3shorts OLD4 years ago

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Hola hivianos ¨3Speak¨ ¨ThreeShorts¨ nunca estuve tan ¨agradecido¨ con ninguna página como con estas, aquí puedo alojar mi material, sin pensar que pueden llegar a ser censurado, algo muy frecuente en la actualidad

Hello Hivianos ¨3Speak¨ ¨ThreeShorts¨ I have never been so ¨grateful¨ with any page like these, here I can host my material, without thinking that they can be censored, something very frequent in today

No podemos creer la enorme cantidad de pedidos que estamos teniendo.

We cannot believe the huge amount of orders we are having.

Gracias a Dios los pedidos son frecuentes, ahora estamos realizando una barra de tamaño especial.

Thank God the orders are frequent, now we are making a special size bar.

Como se trata de un tamaño especial, lleva varias uniones y debemos pensar bien donde irán.

As it is a special size, it has several joints and we must think well where they will go.


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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Chao Abigail 🙂🖐

Abigail does not miss the opportunity to appear in the videos, even if it is not, saying hello
Thank you very much dear friend @joetunex for the great support you give to my work
have a wonderful night