Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 87

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Welcome to the 87th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)

I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.

The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.

The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)

Obviously, there is no way for me to verify whether the photo that you submit in the challenge is really fresh or if it was even taken by you so I am relying on your honesty guys. The prizes for the winners (as described below) are more symbolical than overly motivating so I don´t expect too much fraudulent behavior in this challenge anyway.

I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:

Only one entry (photo) per person per round.

The photo must be yours and not older than one week.

Add a few words about the photo, at least where and when you took it.

You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round.

Prior to publishing the next round post, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvote on their entries and feature them in the next round of the challenge. As long as the response is not too overwhelming, I will also try to give some smaller upvotes on all of the other entries to reward all participants.

I might change the concept and/or the rules of the photo challenge later on, depending on how things go. I usually host the challenge on Thursday but when needed for some reason, I can host it on some other day so better check my blog regularly not to miss out on it ;)

To keep up with you guys, I submit my own fresh natural photo to every round´s post too :) Here is my contribution to start out this round:


While my previous contributions to this challenge from the past few weeks included just little hints of autumn, this one already shows the iconic autumnal colors in all their splendor. It´s mid October, probably the most colorful period of autumn here in Central Europe. Fortunately, we have been getting a decent share of sunlight lately (which is something you cannot definitely take for granted in this part of the year though) so it feels really nice to be outside. I took this picture of these magnificent trees shedding their colorful leaves while walking along the Wisla River here in Krakow, Poland a few days ago.

In the last round, we had 13 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:

@whynotcamp with this entry:


Hi @phortun. I had a trip on the weekend. My friend @crazy-bee and I organized a picnic in the unspoiled stream, which is located in northern Hoa province, Da Nang, Vietnam. The area has beautiful waterfalls and diversity in primeval forests. There is a storm in my city now so we take a few days off before being ready for other trips. Thank you and I hope you like the photo.

@loulou1987 with this entry:


Hola 😉 pridavam jednu fotku z minuleho tydne. Vychod slunce kousek pod Teide (Tenerife, Španělsko) na me surfovaci dovolene. Vylezli jsme jen k horni stanici lanovky, protoze jsme nemeli permit nahoru. Bylo to kazdopadne moc hezke zpestreni mezi tim vsim mletim se ve vlnach.

@kohsamui99 with this entry:


Just another day on the beach and nice to be alive and well this was taken this morning while jogging along my home town Byron Bay Beach, Australia a beautiful blue sky and clam peaceful morning, I couldn't ask for anymore 😊

Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries :)

I am looking forward to what you will come up with in this round.

Have fun and appreciate the beauty of nature!

I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Traveling, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Hope I'm not late for the party :) The picture was taken at Nguyen Tat Thanh Beach- Da Nang on Sunday. It was a bit cloudy but too bad to hang out 🙂


Not late at all, just in time ;) This is an amazing shot. I love the composition... The low angle and the plants in the foreground with the foggy mountains and the tiny cityscape in the background. Awesome capture.

Thank you @phortun, glad you like it :)
Oh I meant..not too bad to hang out 😁
Hope you have a wonderful week ahead

Hi, @phortun! Happy Monday! This is a Japanese Maple Tree that I pass as I am walking out my front door in the Washington, DC Metro area. It was taken over the weekend, but, must have been Saturday as it rained on Sunday. I love these trees as the leaves hang on all winter long usually, even though they go to sleep...sleep...sleep. In the spring, the new leaves push off the old and come to life again! Have an amazing evening!


Stunning close up, very autumnal :) Thank you very much for sharing this beauty with us Denise.

Thanks so much @phortun. My another entry is the photograph I took during my trip to Que Son villages in Quang Nam last week. This place is my girlfriend's hometown and is about 70km from my city. The countryside is very beautiful and peaceful :)


Stunning place, I love the lush greenery. Thanks :)

Hi @phortun!
This photo was taken by me last Sunday, during a visit to my husband’s workplace. This is a valley located in the mountains of Nam Giang, Quang Nam. A peaceful scene with no noise or bustle, only a beautiful green color.
Thank you for the challenge.

Thank you @phortun. I’m glad to join your challenges. 😊

Wow, that´s a beautiful place! So lush and wild :) Thank you for this great entry.

Dnes bylo krasne a i presto me stalo spoustu usili nezustat po obede v posteli s kakaem a esicky. A tak jsem na posledni chvili vyrazila na Ondrejnik taky proto, ze bych tady nemela co dat - takze ti za to moc dekuju! A nakonec na kopci se breci mnohem lepe nez v posteli s esicky 😃


Taková krásná fotka a tak smutný text :( Díky a drž se...

Nahodou to vubec neni smutny text! Jsem tam sla zvesela, obcas me to tak prepadne, nekdy v kopci, nekdy ve scontu nad hrnkama 😃 ale proste pak je o moc lip (teda o moc lip nez kdybych na sebe mela byt jeste k tomu nastvana za krabici esicek 😃😃😃. Takze to je vlastne hodne pozitivni. 😉

I think I am to late but thought, I would throw one in anyways, I was in the Swish Cafe in the town of Ballina, NSW this morning just having a coffee before starting on a job, when this beautiful huge red flower caught my eye, I think it is some sort of Lily, I just couldn't resist taking a photo of this huge healthy looking flower.


Late but still appreciated, thanks buddy :)

Thanks buddy will try and get one in earlier this time 👍

@phortun here is mine I took it on a sunny afternoon

Thanks for your entry but I cannot really see much nature here. Also, please read the rules. You should tell us something about the entry, at least where and when the photo was taken.

Jééé, moc děkuju 😉 a fotky došly :) Takže je na čase zase vyrazit lovit další ;) nejpozději v neděli tady něco přidám - aspoň mě to donutí konečně zase něco podniknout! (Všiml sis někdy, že slovo donutit má základ donut? :D)

Prý konečně zase něco podniknout :D Já mám pocit, že neděláš nic jiného, ne? :D

Na fotky se budu těšit a určitě nebudu sám ;)

Thanks buddy see you in the next round 👍

See you there ;)

You always get amazing nature pictures in your post! Congratulations to your winners! I will be back after I find something to photograph!

Awesome, already looking forward to checking out your picture :)

 3 years ago  

Díky za upvoting mé fotografie :-)
za použití #aroundtheworld

Congratulations to the winners :-)






@phortun, you've been given LUV from @bucipuci.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/5)

Není zač ;) Já děkuju za Luváka...

 3 years ago  
