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RE: Away From The Chaos

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

Beautifully written, Erne.

"There was a time in my professional career when I almost had it all. Fat salary, executive privileges, employment benefits - you name it. Aside from the stress that came with the job, these perks provided me with an enjoyable and successful lifestyle." -

I could very much relate with that after transitioning to being a stay at home Mom, especially at a time like this. The lifestyle change creates a dent in our self confidence, unless we are completely detached from everything.

Having gone through an online workshop recently, I realized that sometimes we have to make sacrifices in order to pursue what is more valuable to us. I chose my family and even though I may not be able to afford the comfortable lifestyle I used to have and some of my relatives think I was crazy to give it up, I strongly believe it was the best decision. Being with family and nature are my peaceful haven.


Yes Arni, that happens to all of us. And as much as we try to create the kind of life for ourselves, there's a Higher Power at work here. We may not be able to control all the circumstances but placing our full trust in Him gives us the real peace we need. He knows what's best for us.

We just have to make the best of everything we have by considering them as blessings. This mindset has rescued me from depression and has offered me the serenity I've always wanted. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

We may not be able to control all the circumstances but placing our full trust in Him gives us the real peace we need. He knows what's best for us.

Amen to that, Erne! Beautifully said.