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RE: Fashion Friday

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago (edited)


I thought I was the only one who made up cool words. Seems you do too!

We are both coolworderisers.

EDIT: Sorry, my comment has nothing to do with dresses. I'm not sure I'd be able to wear your logo though...I'd need one that says, good eater to be more suited to my eatistic nature.


Aah, I feel like I'm amongst the greats, being a coolworderiser!

I'd need one that says, good eater to be more suited to my eatistic nature.

Oh no worries, I've got you covered! I have designs that say things like:
"It's anise thyme for pizza!" or eating, or pasta, or curry. Although I do think they might need some spicing up.

Coolworderising is something only a selected few can do - Clearly you're authorised.

"It's anise thyme for pizza!"

This is clever!

Ha, coolworderiser and clever, all in one day!